Francis And The Eradication Of V II

Let us try to find something, in a way, positive in what is happening in the Church.

Francis has brought things to a level where it is not possible anymore to deny the direct, unequivocal causal link between V II and the current madness. At this point, the game of deception played for several decades since the early Sixties is up.

Francis and his successors will try to let this deception go on for as long as they can; but year after year the link between FrancisChurch and V II will become more obvious. At that point, V II will be mortally wounded already.

When the Great Crisis ends, it will not end with a compromise. It will, more likely, end with the complete eradication of V II; a sort of giant purgation that will spare nothing of all the toxins of V II, leaving a purified Church body in its wake.

It must be this way. When a tooth starts to ache horribly you do not think about salvaging it in any way possible. You want it gone, you want it completely eradicated, and nothing else will suffice.

Before Francis, one might have thought that the Disease Of John XXIII would have continued in a subtle way for many decades, perhaps centuries; threatened by faithful extinction, but not by a revolt from within. The train wreck of this Pontificate makes another scenario more likely: death of FrancisChurch together with the Evil Clown (less likely with every new Consistory but, with God’s grace, always possible) or continuation of FrancisChurch amidst more and more opposition until the toxic V II is literally vomited out of the body of the Church.

You could say that I am being very long-term optimist here. You would be right.

Still, it will be a consolation, as I cook my dinner tonight, to think that one day this cancer will be extirpated whole, and its monstrous shape thrown away in a disgusting bin together with other heresies of the past, to be despised and ridiculed by countless generations of orthodox Catholics; many of them, very likely, almost unable to understand how the Church could reduce herself to such a state, as countless Tridentine Masses are again celebrated every day in beautiful, richly ornate, unapologetically Catholic churches, whilst the faithful attend reverently and receive in awe, on their knees, on the tongue.

May we all, dear readers, see them from above as they are kneeling, and may we thank the Lord for having given us the possibility of defending Catholicism, without wavering, in the darkest hour.


Posted on March 1, 2018, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.


  2. I was a child when Vatican II reared its head. I remember standing in my aunt’s kitchen when my parents, aunts and uncles, all rather simple, pious young Catholics, were atwitter about “the Church now teaches you don’t have to be Catholic to be saved”.
    Over the next decades 4/9 adults remained practicing Catholics and there were no divorces among that generation, but of my 18 siblings/cousins just 7 cling to the Faith and there have been 7 divorces. A microcosm of the devastated vineyard.