The Silence Of The Ass

Today Ireland decides whether to change its Constitution to allow a mother to legally kill her unwanted baby in the womb.

You would think the Pope makes his voice heard.

As I write this, I have not read anything. Certainly nothing that would make real headlines, that would force millions of people to think that even such a Pope is against abortion.

But as we all know, Francis does not want to “obsess” about abortion.

Mind: a couple of days after this referendum is concluded, he will make a low-volume statement against abortion; this will be promptly picked up by all the Pollyannas out there in order to berate us and tell us how evil we are for our unspeakable calumnies of The Spirit’s Chosen One.

Francis will always say what is convenient on the moment, and will always shut up when it’s convenient on the moment. Trifles like integrity, behaving like a Catholic, or even saving face do not interest him. He is the perfect Teflon Jesuit, ready to hate you with a passion for criticising him, but never thinking for a moment of the coming criticism before he behaves like the ass he is. He is like the child constantly provoking the cut and then complaining when he gets scratched.

This shameless duplicity, exhibited day in and day out for everyone to see, used to blind an awful lot of people only three or four years ago, when many refused to believe that a Pope could be such a moral vacuum, and tried to create a halfway decent pope out of casual statements uttering something Catholic here and there. The game has become much more difficult now, and more and more people can see that the Emperor not only has no clothes, but he has little brains and quite the evil mind, too.

And no, you don’t need to be very intelligent in order to be very evil. Stupidity is quite sufficient for the purpose.

Pray for the poor Irish babies.

Not even the Pope, nowadays, defends them.


Posted on May 25, 2018, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. Here’s the way this stuff works. His (un)Holiness is quiet because he is not really opposed to abortion – abortion being an obsession of promethean neopalagians whom he despises. He then is asked later (after the fight is lost) why he was not more vocal. He assures his audience that he remains “solidly” opposed to abortion, but the Irish Bishops’ Conference (that knows better the “local conditions”) convinced him that it would not be “prudent” to speak out and have the Church accused of meddling with a local political matter.

    • sixlittlerabbits

      Too true, jarmssite. The “Most Astonishing Hypocrite in Church History”–to quote Mundabor–has no problem meddling in politics when it comes to US-Cuba relations (he helped Obama and Castro lift the US’s sanctions), climate change, encouraging the spread of Islam through forced immigration, pronouncing that then-Presidential candidate Donald Trump is not a Christian.
      How stupid does Francis think we are?

  2. It is being reported that many old people’s names have been taken off the Voting Register & been reclassified as British citizens without the knowledge or consent of those electors. This is the gerrymandering that Irish Governments used to rail about during the Troubles – now they are playing the same game. What hypocrites, just like PF & sodomite club. This will have to be investigated & have a complaint form set-up on their blog to report malevolence of this kind. People should be encouraged to use it if they witnessed any questionable incident when voting themselves.

  3. Emma Bonino wouldn’t like it. Imagine a Pope being friends with, and admiring, a woman who claims she herself conducted over 10,000 abortions with a bicycle pump, and she being called (by him) “one of Italy’s GREATS”.
    God bless and may He protect Ireland’s unborn by awaking the conscience and heart of Ireland.

  4. sixlittlerabbits

    Too true, Mundabor. Francis doesn’t speak when it will make a difference, then pretends to care when the harm has been done. He reminds me of Timothy Cardinal Dolan, who aided the passage of gay marriage in New York with his silence and participated in the blasphemous Metropolitan Museum of Art Gala to which the Vatican sent ecclesiastical garments for display.

  5. Amen. May the exit polls be wrong and S.8 remain

  6. What Pope? We still have a Pope? I thought he resigned….. ohhhh that Pope.

  7. Stuck InTraffic

    Roe v Wade forced this on America. Now, the Irish have freely voted it in. Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us!