Daily Archives: May 30, 2018

Beware The Advocates Of The Poor

So, has the newly appointed Cardinal (emeritus) Ticona wife and children? We don’t know because we weren’t there. However, the Cardinal defends himself saying that the rumours that he has a wife are unfounded. Well I believe that! What I would want to see is Bishop Ticona denying that he had a mistress.

You may wonder why I am so suspicious of the old.

This is because is an advocate of the poor as per link above. I deeply mistrust priests who are advocates of worldly causes. It seems to me that, more often than not, such advocacies reflect, firstly, loss of faith, and secondly, something to hide.

Does this have to be true in the case of Bishop Ticona?

Certainly not.

God forbid.

Perish the thought.

It can simply be that Francis has fund a way to elevate to the Cardinalate another one of his social justice warriors and full-fledged clan members without being – like Errazuriz and Maradiaga – implicated in scandals. Stranger things happened at sea.

Still: beware the advocates of the poor.

Even when they do not come bearing mistresses.