Daily Archives: May 11, 2018

UK On Its Way To Dictatorship Of Political Correctness

Breitbart has the lowdown on this. 

It seems absurd, and it isn’t.

The pattern is always the same. Vocal minorities claim persecution. Then legislation is enacted to “protect” them in some way. Then it becomes deeply offensive to go against the new PC mantra. Then it must be a criminal offence to do so.

The problem with the UK is the extreme, if you allow me the word, “dumbification” of the Country after sixty years of decaying religious feeling and BBC-fueled PC shallowness. Millions are just unable to see when their liberties are infringed upon, because their Facebook pages are too full of sugary platitudes to allow them to start using their brains.

The double standard is also already built in. You don’t get any prizes for supposing that Muslims will go largely unscathed, Catholics will be prime targets if not tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.

The premise is stupid already. Different religions ar eintriniscally incompatible with each other, which is why they are different in the first place. Therefor,e any proclamation of the truths – real or supposed – of one religion must be offensive to another one.

“God has no son”, blaspheme the Muslims. Shall it be six years, then?

Oh, and I forgot.

You know that in the end religion might simply be a convenient excuse, don’t you?

The real aim of these guidelines is the critics of “trangenders”; that is, those peopl emad enough to believe that they are not who they are, and who in more charitable times were protected from themselves by putting them in suitable mental institutions. Not anymore, of course, and the staggering suicide rate shows all the cruelty of “tolerance”.

Mind, the Country has more resources than this, and will react at some point. But this kind of attacks has been going on for more than ten years now, and it is time for the Conservative to become Conservative again and start thinking straight. Because if they don’t, the British people might at some point wake up in other ways. At that point it might get ugly; because, whilst sadly “dumbified”, this is still a fairly tough nation, very difficult to indoctrinate for very long with the easiness with which you can brainwash the Germans.