Cardinal McCarrick Well Deserves The “Spirit Of Francis Award”


This is, in fact, no irony at all. 

Cardinal McCarrick, a decade-long homosexual predator, truly deserves the “Spirit of Pope Francis award” given to him by no other than Cardinal Cupich.  

McCarrick did what many of these these homo scoundrels do: they go among the poor, spreading money and favours and, in the meantime, looking for uneducated, very poor victims too hungry or too afraid to speak. This is the method of the curas villeros, the priest plunging (I should say: disappearing) into the Argentinian slums in search of easy prey, who so well epitomise this dirty papacy smelling of… shit.  

If you have not understood by now that Cupich had to know about the allegations against McCarrick and the payments made to shush his accusers, and that he is clearly part and parcel, and immersed up to his neck, in this system of either homosexual conduct or, at least, homosexual blackmail, you have not been playing attention. How could, otherwise, a newly-minted Cardinal have been do dumb to link his name to a man the Cardinal had to know was unofficially radioactive?  

I suspect of homosexuality every priest, Bishop or Cardinal who puts social work at the centre of his “pastoral” activity, and so should you. They do this, certainly, in order to create a diversion from their loss of faith and from their betrayal of the Church, earning th eeasy applause of the world and ready-made career opportunities; but more often than not, they do this in order to find prey among the “dispossessed”.

McCorrick actually was even happy (and dumb enough, in retrospect) to assault his own seminarians instead of going lookin gin the “peripheries”; but this only shows what a scoundrel he is, not that the method does not work, or that he has himself not used it.    

Congratulations, Cardinal McCorrick. You truly are an extremely worthy recipient of the “Spirit of Francis” award. 

Congratulations, Cardinal Cupich. You are one of the standard bearers of the Church in which the likes of McCorrick thrives for decades, honouring and enabling them and those like them. 

We should talk about this “Spirit of Francis award” more.

It is clear that, at the moment, it is all the rage. 

Posted on July 11, 2018, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. What a gang of rats they all are!

  2. Sodomizers control US, the world and Vatican. Sodomy is the most effective tool Satan uses to eliminate the Roman Catholic Church. The time has come, first exposes them all from top down to bottom, then St. Michael will cut them down…No gate of Hell can prevail Christ’s Church. Deo Gratias.

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