Gayrdinal Tagle, Or: The Faithless Leading The Stupid.

Let this link sink in.

I thought the Sixties were long gone, but it is clear in some Asian Countries Sixty-Eight is raging now.

A Cardinal even mentioned as a possibility for the next Conclave’s choice (Please, Lord, no!) abandons every sense of shame and says that adolescent can teach him, and “life isn’t clear”.

My answers to the Cardinal.

First: you are a faggot, Your Gayce. Do you know that?

Second: Life is very clear, and our Catholic religion make sense of it all.

War, pestilence, famine.

Death, disease, old age.

Poverty, injustice, “inequality”.

For all of this, and much more, the Catholic Church has always provided wonderful answers, sanctioned by their coming from God, who loves us all. Countless generations of Catholics have gone through life in serenity through all their trials, and have died in the faith. They had shepherds who cared for them.

A Cardinal oblivious of the fact that the Church has the answers, and it is exactly his damn job to teach and defend them, is below even the level of childishness; he has descended into twin-turbo-faggotry.

Third: how can a man admitting his total ignorance of his job description and the fundamentals of his subject matter think he has any right to remain I do not say a Cardinal, but a priest? How can these people even show themselves in public without shame? You can take a heathen savage from the Amazonian Forest, and he would likely know more about life and death and the meaning of life than this embarrassing Gayrdinal.

“I am learning a lot”-Tagle should be defrocked and sent to some far away poor African Country, to work as a social worker whilst the Natives teach him the basics of Christianity.

This here is even worse than Francis. Yes, it’s possible! We have proof! And he is even young! Therefore, if the Cardinals elect such a tool to the Papacy prepare for a huge mess, because if Francis has not been pelted with foul tomatoes yet, this one here could be too much.

Please, Lord, save us from war, pestilence, flood and people like this little cretin.




Posted on October 26, 2018, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. Thank you for this message. I had occasion to write to him some time ago, message attached, but he has not had the time to respond.In appreciation of the good work you are doing.Regards,John

  2. Mundabor, Pope Francis was there before Cardinal Tagle. Here is a quote from him on Jan. 28, 2016:
    “I am glad to express the Church’s esteem for the National Committee on Bioethics, established by the President of the Council for Ministers in Italy 25 years ago,” Francis said. “Everyone is aware of how sensitive the Church is to ethical issues but perhaps it is not clear to everyone that the Church does not lay claim to a privileged voice in this field…”

    See. Anybody else’s opinion is as good as traditional Catholic morality.

  3. “Youth” do not want to teach their elders, much less eminent Cardinals of the Church. This unsettles and frightens them greatly, talk like this, from His Gayce, Cdl Tagle.

    Elders should teach our young timeless truths to live by now and in eternity. Youth implicitly know, as immortal creations of God, what is true and what is a sack of shyte.

  4. The hierarchy of the Catholic Church in the Philippines has failed to discipline liturgical abuses. The Filipino priest riding a hoverboard during Mass (you can find this on YouTube) is only one of the more serious examples – that one was filmed so we know about it and because it was filmed and people complained, the Church sanctioned the priest. A lot of devout Filipinos stopped going to Mass in the early 1970s and since then, many joined evangelical churches (like in Brazil). Tagle should go home to Manila and do what he is supposed to do – act as a real shepherd. I would send him a link to the Catechism of Pope Pius X to remind him but I feel he’s so far gone that only divine intervention will make him open his eyes.

  5. Good afternoon, Mundabor.
    Here I am again to ask prayers for Brazil tomorrow, as we will choose our next president between Jair Bolsonaro (right wing) and Fernando Haddad (communist, disguised as a social democrat).
    This Sunday is the Christ The King Sunday in the tradition, and also St Jude Thaddeus feast, the patron saint of the desperate and lost causes (here we say “impossible causes”). These are two reasons for hope, as I couldn´t think a day like this would happen after terrible years of socialism and corruption.
    Polls show Bolsonaro leading comfortably (56% x 44%), but as we only cast votes in an electronic device with no paper or means to recount, I fear for fraud… am I paranoid?
    I will try to find something good in English or in Italian about our elections, because I find it will be a huge turnaround if Bolsonaro wins tomorrow, for the region and even for Trump.
    Former president Nixon said once Brazil is the tugboat of Latin America, where he goes, the others follow. This happened with Lula da Silva and his communist friends. Now it´s time for change, a good one.
    I hope most of Brazilians want to embark on the Trump-Salvini-Brexit train.

  6. I did some corrections in the last post
    Good afternoon, Mundabor.
    Here I am again to ask prayers for Brazil tomorrow, as we will choose our next president between Jair Bolsonaro (right wing) and Fernando Haddad (communist, disguised as a social democrat).
    This Sunday is the Christ The King Sunday in the tradition, and also St Jude Thaddeus feast, the patron saint of the desperate and lost causes (here we say “impossible causes”). These are two reasons for hope, as I couldn´t think a day like this would happen after terrible years of socialism and corruption.
    Polls show Bolsonaro leading comfortably (56% x 44%), but as we only cast votes in an electronic device with no paper or means to recount, I fear for fraud… am I paranoid?
    I will try to find some article written in english or ‘in italiano’ about our elections and send to you, because I find it will be a huge turnaround if Bolsonaro wins tomorrow, for the region and even for Trump.
    Former president Nixon said once Brazil is the tugboat of Latin America, where Brazil goes, the others follow. This happened with Lula da Silva and his communist friends. Now it´s time for change, a good one.
    I hope most of Brazilians want to embark on the Trump-Salvini-Brexit train.

  7. Cardinall Tagle is one of the Francis’ gang whose diabolical activities have been exposed to the light and God will clean them out soon. Keep praying that Divine Justice sweeps them away.

  8. “We have proof.” Did you mean “We have a poof”

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