Pope Francis And Sister Deirdre

The third day of the Republican Convention had something that has become increasingly more difficult to see: a religious sister who dresses and talks like one.

She was also able to throw in a couple of punch lines, likes the one that the unborn are the most marginalised people of all. It was good to watch.

I wonder: does Pope Francis of the “not obsessed by abortion” parish agrees with this? What is his take on Kamala “Hoe” Harris being heavily compromised with Planned Parenthood? Does he agree with her, that Trump has been consistently the most pro-life President of the Abortion Era, and the duo “Joe and the Hoe” have the most extreme pro-abortion agenda ever?

I would really like to know what Pope Francis has to say on this. You never know, in a moment of distraction you might see something Catholic actually coming out of his mouth.

Posted on August 27, 2020, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 16 Comments.

  1. Yes, “you might see something Catholic actually coming out of his mouth.”

    But we should expect it to be in the service of something un-Catholic.

  2. The last thing I heard frankiethesnake pontificate on was a “share the wealth” screed on how we should first make sure all resources are evenly divided before we can move ahead. He wants to eliminate want, hunger and poverty from the wworld scene. Just like a Miss America contestant.

  3. Sister Deidre Byrne was a vision of loveliness, more so than Melania. She was like an answer to our prayers that we get our nuns back in habit and Catholic belief. I just want more of her kind and may Francis and his herd go away.

  4. Dorothy Amorella

    Although I am happy with Sister Dede’s message, she made the unfortunate comment that Our Lady was an ‘unwed mother.’ She should know better and because she had the world as her audience, she needs to correct this serious error.

    • I think she meant that the Blessed Virgin was, at the moment of the Incarnation, not married according to the Jewish law (she was married according to the the Roman law, betrothed according to the Jewish one).

  5. God Bless Sr. Deidre who eloquently put the Teachings of Our Lord in full focus. Something very few descendants of the Apostles – bishops – will ever do in a public setting. Their politically correct talk or non action only pleases Satan and kills 3-5000 babies a day in the USA. The bishops one day soon will have to answer to God for co-operating with evil.

  6. Immediately fell in love with Dr Deidre Byrne. What a woman of The Triune God! Only a hard-hearted Scrooge, or worse, would pooh-pooh her!

  7. Sister was excellent. She defended the unborn and correctly identified President Trump as the biggest defender of the unborn and Biden and Harris as the most radical. I was very proud to be Catholic as she spoke. Her bona fides are amazing, an army doctor for 20 or 30 years in the Middle East, helped out in Africa and Haiti I think. I think she actually mentioned Jesus Christ, imagine that. All the speakers were great, the contrast between the two parties could not be more obvious.

  8. The good sister had me applauding right up to when she made the usual modernist claim that “Jesus was conceived in the womb of an unwed mother”. No, she was not unwed at the Annunciation. She was already betrothed to her husband.

  9. Would you like to take away her right to vote? Her medical degree and license to practice medicine? Her officer’s commission as a colonel? Maybe her driver’s license?

  10. lol

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