Slum Pleasures

Excellent hunting ground for perverted priests.

I have received, and published already, the following comment:

This Francis fool was the perfect candidate to weaken Papacy to the point of irrelevance, I visited Argentina 2 years ago, when I was working for a russian news agency and visited some slums in Buenos Aires to cover the work of the “curas villeros” (slum priests) in the many shanty towns of the capital, I was shocked to see that practically all those priests had concubines and had sons with them, other were openly homosexual or had transexual partners and everyone knew about this!I talked with people from the slums and asked them what did they think about this? their answers were basically the same: “it’s ok, they love each other, they harm nobody” I also talked with more cultured (and minoritarian) sectors of the catholic church in Buenos Aires who were infuriated by the situation but they were unable to do anything about it, they said they were largely outnumbered by the “populist priests”.They also told me that all the high hierarchy of the church in Buenos Aires, Bergoglio included, were aware of the dubious morality of the slum priests, the argentine traditionalist catholics also told me that in those slums the priest is considered a “fairy godmother” by the poor people who live there, in fact the priests are to many of them the only “help” since the hypecorrupt state is practically absent, thus the priest is perceived as a ” good nanny” who feeds and takes care, so no one dares or bothers to question his life and morality, to slum people everything the priests do is ok as long as they keep supplying them with free stuff…. a doctrine of sterile assistentialism that leads nowhere, keeps the poor in poverty, the lazy in laziness and the sinner happy with his sins.Bergoglio has started to export this model of spiritual misery and moral decay to the rest of the world since he was elected and sadly he will continue vomiting the filthy populist nonsense that’s been coming out of argentina provincial, ultracorrupt politics for decades.

This keeps haunting me, so it might be good to say a few words. The foreigner author of the comment is obviously well-read, an intelligent and enquiring mind, and concerned about Christian values. The occasion of his being there – the coverage of priestly activity in the slums – has also given him the opportunity to accumulate a great deal of information.

I have never been in an Argentinian slum, and can therefore not vouch for the truthfulness of what he writes. But boy, it all makes sense.

Let us then, for the sake of the argument, assume that there are a number of priests of that sort in the slums of Buenos Aires, and let us look at the dynamic of such “priesthood”.

A homosexual priest, or a priest so perverted he is attracted to trannies, or even a priest interested in sex with women will, in Bergoglio's diocese, only have one thing to do: discover his social vocation.

This will allow him to get deep into a world full of the miseries of dire poverty, and profit from it. Prey will be abundant. He will be a distributor of sought after earthly goods, and this will give him not only prestige, but power, and the ability to easily acquire sexual favours. Who will dare to go against his immorality or utter perversion in an environment that not only lives immersed in it, but is more or less heavily dependant on the favours and help of said priest?

Is it, then, not so, that the slum will attract those priests seeking in it those forbidden pleasures their sensual – or perverted – nature craves for, but that would not be allowed to them in the fairly well-ordered society outside?

I can well imagine the favela as a world apart, with miseries and a moral degradation to match. This is where the perverted priest needs to go if he wants to satisfy his lust undisturbed. He will be powerful and respected, and even those who loathe him will rather shut up than run the risk of being cut out from help when they most need it, or of being surrounded by hostility in their own community.

It goes without saying that such a priest will never be able – or willing – to do his job of saving souls. It isn't easy to tell people to repent and follow the Commandments when everyone knows you are a priest with a trannie on the side. No, such a priest will talk and act exactly like a Jorge Bergoglio: who am I to judge, the poor here, the poor there, the poor everywhere, and if you criticise the priest you are guilty of “gossip”; which, you might then well say, is akin to “murder”, because you need for the critics to really, really shut up.

At this point, this parody of Christianity can develop all his satanic potential: the priest supposed to reform the slum will become as filthy as the slum itself – or rather, the filth of the slum will attract priests just as filthy, and looking for prey -, whilst the slum dwellers will be left not only without guidance, but with even the horrible example of such priests. The “social” Church in South-American style will pretend to do the good of the poor, but she will betray Christ and help the very poor whose secular agenda she espouses on the path to damnation.

All this, of course, abundantly sprinkled with poverty rhetoric, which is also very useful in making the priest popular and in allowing him to go after his filthy business undisturbed. But hey, someone is “going out” and “helping the poor”, so the Bergoglios of the world will be not only unconcerned, but rather satisfied of the sterling work they are so humbly doing.

Again, we do not know whether the picture painted by our commenter is a realistic one. But… but…

Think of Francis' reaction when the Ricca scandal erupted. Arrogant jokes about the “gay lobby” not having an ID card, the “who am I to judge” mantra, and an astonishingly stubborn attitude in leaving an exposed sodomite at his place – and in the priesthood -. Is this not the behaviour of one who has lived in the middle of homosexual priests all his priestly life, and has happily ignored their perversion and sodomitic behaviour? Is this not the behaviour of one who does not care two straws whether a priest is a sodomite, and is even unable to understand the scandal that erupts outside of his cosy world when one of his closest men is exposed as one of them? How can one otherwise explain that whilst I write this, Monsignor Ricca is still a priest undisturbed, and is even still occupying his high place?

Francis has brought to us the filth of the favela all right. He glories in it, and speaks of the shepherd who must smell like his sheep; this is, very possibly, another veiled reference that to him, if a priest works in the favela it's no big deal if he has his own trannie.

We beg to differ.



Posted on September 18, 2013, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 14 Comments.

  1. Well, the perverted priests in these favelas are really “slumming” aren’t they?

  2. Dear Mundabor, I’m argerntine and what this post says it’s absolutely true, Bergoglio condoned , tolerated and encouraged all kind of transgresions, heresies and sins here in my country, now I’m seeing that he’s doing the same in Rome and he wants to spread this pestilence all over the world. The ricca scandal pales in comparisson to the myriad of sex scandals that the argentine catholics have witnessed during “The bergoglio era” but as this post says: since the traditionalist catholics are a minority the voices of those who denounce these scandals are lost in the maremagnum of praises and justifications from low, little people who get some “welfare benefit” from them.

  3. This is exactly how the pervert priests in Canada and the U.S. got access to their victims: they deliberately preyed on vulnerable families. Typically, it was an unmarried or divorced mother with sons she was trying to raise alone. There was no male presence in the home, and the mother was *grateful* to a priest who showed an interest in her son. Under cover of being a role model and helping to keep a boy from harm, the homosexuals would seduce and corrupt these boys. It was a vicious circle: an overwhelmed mother would be too busy trying to work to support her family to be able to provide supervision and protection, and these predators knew that she would also be reluctant to do anything that might upset the very precarious balance that was keeping her family afloat. So the children were just handed over to the perverts, and it was perhaps even expediency as well as gratitude that led the parents not to create any difficulties.

  4. I suggest the readers to take a little time to read about the scandal of the bishop Bargalló who was the president of Caritas for the Latin American and Carribbean region, a post to which he was elected in 2007, he was photographed in 2012 cavorting on the beach at a luxury resort in Mexico, with a divorced woman whom he first described as a childhood friend and then admitted was his lover, Mons. Bargalló also performed her wedding and baptized her three children….Although having a vow of poverty as a priest, Bargalló was also independently wealthy SUPPOSEDLY as a result of an inheritance following the death of his mother. It was always said that he used these funds to subsidize the luxurious romance with his lover, some sources have suggested that, as one of the younger bishops, he might even have been in line to be the next Archbishop of Buenos Aires, he resigned in 2012 and as far as I heard he now lives with his lover. We had also endured the scandal of Mons. Maccarone who was caught on video having sex with a male taxi driver.. Bergoglio publicly lamented this scandal and said “it was a real pity because he made a great job for the poor ” According to some sources Maccarone was recently seen in Rome in a mass celebrated by Bergoglio.

  5. felicitasperpetua

    Yes, he’s brought his dowry to the Universal Church: The spiritual degradation of the favela, its lawlessness, atheism and contempt for everything that is beautiful, noble and superior. He’s Eva Peron with a Y chromosome. It is a painful spectacle to behold.
    As to the smell, it’s more like sulfur and brimstone…


  6. If this is true, its both momentous and sad. God help us if so.

  7. Hello Mundabor,

    If you have the stomach for it you can read about an infamous “street priest” of the 1970’s here:
    – “[Father Paul] Shanley, as he rose to prominence in the 1970s, was not just a legendary ”street priest” in blue jeans, but a vaunted crusader for the down and out, a man widely admired in Boston.”
    – “He chided the Catholic Church for what he considered homophobia”… sound familiar?

    There is more about this pedophile predator here:
    Even now, it makes me sick to my stomach to think about it.The point is that the whole “street priest” approach has been tried before and it was a total disaster.

    When the Church was the center of society (in Latin America and elsewhere), the poor at least had morals and dignity, and more importantly the Church took care of the souls of the poor. This is her role and her mission and the reason Christ laid the foundations for the Catholic Church. Now the poor have been convinced by the anti-Catholic culture that this was all “pie in the sky”. The result is there are more poor than ever and they are more likely to be victims of violence and drug addiction. This is the direct result of the liberal (and atheistic) approach to “save” the poor.

    God bless,

  8. You can take Bergloglio out of the slum, but You can’t take the slum out of Bergoglio..

    • Veronique…
      c’est trop marrant! This reminded me of the old Salem cigarette commercial jingle of the late sixties, early seventies(before cigarette commercials were banned here in the States). But what you say is so true…!

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