April’s Fool!

Yes, of course it was an April's fool!

Or do you think that you would be informed that the Bishop of Rome, the most Modernist tool in the land east of the Pampas, would put himself on his way to conversion on… April 1!? Really?

What shall I say: I commend the innocence of those who have believed it. Albeit hooks and sinks also come to mind…

I must admit: it was fun. My apologies to all those whose comments I had to hold back, lest they spoil the party too soon…

Still, even this little joke tell us something, in fact, rather serious, and to be reflected upon with due sadness.

We live in such disgraceful times, that a Pope expressing himself as he should is, in fact, an April's fool joke.


Posted on April 1, 2014, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. Awwww, man!!!!! You really did get me.

  2. “We live in such disgraceful times, that a Pope expressing himself as he should is, in fact, an April’s fool joke.”

    Exactly this I said to my son after I had told him your April´s fool joke.

  3. ladyofquality

    Oh, that was too cruel!!! Yes, I believed it! I think it was the ‘no?’ at the end that authenticated it for me. 😉

    Was it too much to ask to believe that he actually would say that?! I guess so. 😦

    Two points Mundabor.

  4. You are so sly and cruel this April 1st! You wrote it up in such a believable manner and I was truly heartened. Now it’s back to the even crueler reality of the man who is pope who has never uttered such crystalline truths! I’m so glad I didn’t share that on my FB feed–what a fool I would have appeared.

  5. Yikes – you had me!!

  6. I was fooled too! Yet I was hoping against all hope that maybe, just maybe, the Holy Spirit might be making a dent in this Pope’s thinking. Alas, it was not to be and a cruel joke it was!
    Live and learn. . .

  7. Well, I was totally fooled too. I was wondering why you weren’t calling this the usual “pigeon food”, because I figured it was just a momentary spasm on the part of the BoR as we’ve seen so often before to shut up the complainers. But so many people were happy at the thought it might be real, I didn’t have the heart to write a grouchy, skeptical comment and be the party-pooper.