Cardinal Mahony Officially Disgraced


In a rather brutal communique’ of the (huge) archdiocese of Los Angeles (Socialist Republic of California, USA), Archbishop Gomez has announced that Cardinal Mahony and an auxiliary bishop (Curry) have now been relieved of every duty concerning the Diocese (Mahony) and from his responsibility for his part of the Archdiocese (Curry). I do not know about the other bishop, but Mahony’s duties within the Archdiocese cannot have been numerous, or of any real importance. Possibly one dinner here and one lunch there, with the occasional buffet thrown in. Therefore, one cannot avoid thinking this last measure is simply due to either something big about to happen or  to the frustration of his successor at the mess Mahony has left behind him.

If memory serves, Mahony’s idiocy already cost Californian Catholics several hundred million dollars in compensations, though if one understands the way the press presented the matter this should prevent further money going down the drain.

Again, one can’t escape the impression that further developments are going to be announced, and the Archdiocese wants to start a preventative cleaning to avoid accusations from the usual corners; or  maybe Archbishop Gomez is simply fed up with the continuous references to the Archdiocese’s past, and understandably wants to separate the Cardinal’s responsibilities from his own tenure.

Something tells me, though, that this is not the last we hear from our disgraceful -and now disgraced – Cardinal.


Posted on February 1, 2013, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. I hate to say it because I grew up in Santa Barbara (part of the Los Angeles Diocese) and even though I only became a Catholic 5 years ago, I knew when I did that there were a lot of tensions between many of the Faithful Catholics and their appointed leader.

    Years ago Mother Angelica of EWTN called out Archbishop Mahoney for his fooling around about certain matters that were not up to specs with the teaching of the church and then persued a war on the part of the office of the Archbishop with EWTN. The Eternal Word Television Network had a MAJOR role in my conversion and teaching and so I was shocked to see that you could not even metion the words EWTN or Mother Angelica around the churches without getting shusshed or frowned upon. This coming from the directive of the now infamous Archbishop.

    On one hand it is sad to see the demise of a Archbishop but on the other had when Archbishop Gomez was appointed there was much rejoicing going on and this latest defrocking of the little retirement duties left to Mahoney was a great relief for many.

    I am very surprised about Bishop Curry because he was such a nice man and as our own Bishop of Santa Barbara was a VERY INVOLVED HARD WORKING BISHOP. My best friend actually worked for him and so not only have I met him but I know him through her friendship.

    I look at this as a CLEANING HOUSE by the Lord and one that has left many scars but thanks be to God if we all pray, repent, do penance for our sins and others, God is the God of Mercy and is the God that heals! The Gates of Hell will never triumph over His Church but it never guaranteed that certain entities would not be ousted!!!

    • Thanks Elizabeth, I had forgotten you used to live in the Socialist Republic of California.. 😉

      As to Bishop Curry, slowly but surely the people I mistrust more are the “oh so nice” ones. I do not mean to say Bishop Curry has made himself culpable of terrible failings (I do not know the details; perhaps it was merely mediocre oversight; in the case of Mahony I’d bet my pint it was much more…), but I do see a pattern here…

      I think my ideal bishop is a grumpy old man who almost never laughs and has fits of righteous anger… 😉
