Daily Archives: February 18, 2013

Cardinal Salazar Gomez: Pope Benedict’s “Not A Strong Papacy”

Vox clamans in deserto? Cardinal Salazar Gomez.

Vox clamantis in deserto? Cardinal Salazar Gomez.

In an age in which every conceivable Catholic outlet seems to see it as obligatory to agree with the Holy Father in everything, it is very refreshing to read that no less than a Cardinal says clearly that this was a weak papacy (ok, he says “not strong”; I am sure you get the drift…).

 The Cardinal rightly praises Pope Benedict’s work in other fields, and mentions the strong work accomplished (even before becoming Pope, I add) to remedy to the pedophile priests scandal and help to prevent that they happen again. But there is no denying the Pope is elected to lead the Church, not to be a fine theologian, and the deficiencies in that respect are so clear you only need to read the news for some minutes to understand the scale of the problems, and the absence of a strong reaction to them.

Kudos to the Cardinal, then. I’d have preferred if he had added a blow for the Conciliar church, which is the first cause of the attitude and election of Popes of the good-uncle, no-fight sort like Benedict. But hey, in life you can’t have everything.

Cardinal Gomez will sit in the conclave, and it is obvious he will plead for a strong Pope.

Let us pray his voice will be heard.


SSPX: Bishop Fellay’s Suggestions To The New Pope

The quiet smile of a saintly man: Archbishop Lefebvre

If you needed an additional confirmation that the SSPX has realised Pope Benedict’s resignation equates to a big card reshuffle, you can click on this link.

Besides the obvious fact that Pope Benedict will, in all probability, not make any parting gift to the Society – it is not logical that he should do so; he has been planning his departure for some months, and if he had wanted to act he would have done it before lest he gives the impression he acts at the last minute to avoid the criticism to his decision – what is interesting in this interview is Fellay’s suggested roadmap for a reconciliation.

The good bishop is very clear in saying that whilst he does not expect from the next Pope that he proceeds to an open, outright condemnation of Vatican II, the new Pope can accomplish a lot smartly and quietly, proceeding to a series of adjustments apt to eliminate a good part of the problems. To quote (emphasis mine):

As far as Vatican II is concerned, just like for the Mass, we believe that it is necessary to clarify and correct a certain number of points that are either erroneous or lead to error. That being said, we do not expect Rome to condemn Vatican II any time soon. She can recall the Truth and discretely correct the errors, while preserving her authority.

The message is very clear. It would be more than enough if the Vatican were willing to work toward the repair of the edifice without any admission that, so to speak, the architect was on drugs and the building company straight out of Greece. Quiet and discreet action – starting with immediate action on the very worst – can accomplish a lot.

Note that in this interview there is no trace whatsoever of an alleged fear of the Society that some terrible punishment may be inflicted on them by the next Pope. There isn’t, because there is no terrible punishment the Vatican can even try to inflict on them without  – besides not reaching their scope – inflicting a much bigger damage on themselves.The Vatican can, simply, not credibly strike at orthodox Catholicism, and spotless obedience. 

No, the only way the Vatican can try to neutralise the Society is by trying to blandish, seduce and divide them, dangling the carrot of “reconciliation” in front of their eyes whilst waiting for the division and strife this would cause; a game, this, already tried in a massive and open way both in 1988 and in 2012; on both occasions clearly engineered by the current Pontiff; and parlously failed twice.

The SSPX awaits the outcome of the Conclave from a position of unprecedented strenght and prestige. The progressive – if too slow – rapprochement of the Vatican to the positions held before V II in so many matters is a vindication of Archbishop Lefebvre’s brave fight.  As the ideology of Vatican II continues to slowly wither, Traditionalism will grow in prestige and authority; if you say Traditionalism properly intended (that is: not mere liturgical preference, but defence of the entire patrimony of Tradition), you say first and foremost SSPX.
