When Dr Goebbels Advises The Pope

"Do not ignore physical realities, Ja!?"

“Do not ignore ze physical realities! Verstanden??!”


The soon-to-be-released encyclical about the environment – no doubt, the biggest collection of rubbish ever published by a Pope – will be presented by three men. One of them if Prof. John Schellnhuber, a well-known climate Nazi.

professor Schnellnhuber should, I think, be posed a simple questions: seen that no one believes that his own fantasy-targets about emission reduction will be reached, where does he think the global population should stabilise to avoid planetary food wars, and how does he think the target should be achieved? 

You see, our Enviro-Goebbels is already on record with saying that around 4.5 degrees Celsius of increase in earth temperature would reduce the earth population to around 1 billion. So, if we do not reach the 4, and do not manage to keep the Co2 emissions under control, what is the sustainable earth population at, say, a 2.5 degrees increase in say, anytime between 2070 and 2100? Four billion? Five? Perhaps, if we want to be generous, six? How many million, nay, billion babies will have to be aborted to make this happen? You see: prof Schellnhuber has no doubt at all that a massive global warming is going to happen. He calls nebulous fantasies “physical realities”, as if they were, erm, real! So, in the fantasy world of Mr Schellnhuber – a world, as you will understand, much appreciated by the Evil Clown – a massive adjustment will have to happen anyway: not down to one Billion humans if the worst case scenario does not become reality, but somewhere between the nine Billion projected for 2050 (and the much higher number projected for 2070-2100) and that number.  

So, what does the man propose to do to avoid food wars and worldwide tragedies on a lesser, and sustainable, scale than the ones in the 1 Billion scenario? What exactly? 

I tell you once again: abortion. Abortion on a scale probably not even Dr Goebbels would have considered human, at least considering the untold number of Aryans it would involve. And please do not hide behind the contraception finger. In England there are in the region of 180,000 abortions a year, and contraception is available in a way that would be almost inconceivably costly to actuate in poor countries. This, of course, leaving behind for a moment the Catholic stance on contraception, in which neither the Pope nor Prof. Schellnhuber (by the by: a Catholic, that one?) are interested. 

“But Mundabor! Mundabor! Prof Schellnhuber does not say we must abort billions! He says we must reduce emissions!”

Poppycock. The man may be deluded, but he is not retarded. He knows that his fantasy objectives will not be reached. Never ever. He complains about that very openly, when he says that Western democracies refuse to take his own apocalyptic fantasies (which he calls “physical reality”, so he has no doubt at all they will come to pass) into account in their own planning and legislating activity. Madmen can be very lucid. 

Therefore, there can be only one way: reduce the humans now before they kill each other in 50 years’ time. This is the unavoidable conclusion of this environ-mania. This is the only way any thinking man starting from such sick premises can go on thinking in a coherently sick way. This is the only rational consequence of the environ-mania the Evil Clown is so aggressively promoting, out of his own hate for the West and desire of humble self-aggrandisement.

This man, my friends, has played such an important role in the writign of the encyclical, that he will be one of only three relators, and the only layman. An utterly unbelievable Pope has allowed a papal encyclical to be substantially shaped by a man who considers his own fantasies “physical realities”. It beggars belief.


A man can be, at the same time, evil and astonishingly incompetent. If you think of people like Chavez, for example, it is obvious that in these men a strong ideological hate goes hand in hand with an exceptional degree of economic stupidity, and inability to look three inches beyond their nose.

Francis is such a one. He is evil, but he is also plain stupid in his inability to even think three steps further the path he is asking us to take. When one like Francis decides to write an encyclical about the environment, we can’t be surprised one like Prof Schellnhuber will be the one who shapes the most of its “scientific” part.

The blind (religious leaders, and climate bogus scientists) lead the blind. They are so radical (Schellnhuber, because he is; Francis, because he is accomplice, and too stupid to understand he must not link his name to such nutcases) that their “effort” is condemned to failure and ridicule from day one. They do not care. Schnellhuber lives in his fantasy world, and have made a good living out of it. Francis will, like Chavez, push his own form of hatred, uncaring of consequences, for the short term popularity advantages it will give him among his clients (all but the Catholics) and his groupies. 

These people are environmental Nazis.

To such a scale, that it is reasonable to say that even Dr Goebbels would have been terrified.  



Posted on June 12, 2015, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. sixlittlerabbits

    Thanks for this clear-sighted post, which I hope will NOT be prophetic. Saying many Hail Marys for you!

  2. A video is being shown on one of the more traditional Catholic Blogs of a nice priest from the Acton Institute giving reassurances that the forthcoming encyclical will simply reiterate in a new way what the Faith has already proclaimed about the environment–the goodness of creation, our need to be good stewards, the primacy of man, etc.

    Is this evidence of the Pollyanna virus?

    • The “nice” priest is under suspicion of being homosexual. His argument seems to me rather rhetorical: as a pope would not be so stupid as to push the agenda in the marxist direction, he will limit himself to repeat bla, bla and bla.

      I think he will be sorely disappointed, and then will pick the more moderate part of the encyclical to try to calm the enraged Catholics.


  3. “Global warming”, “climate change”, “sustainable development” are simply tools of ads delusion to force the whole depopulation and control of populace, via legalised mass murder of babies, mass murder of old, sick, infirm, disabled, poor, etc., mass sterilisation and contraception, destruction of marriage and family via sodomy and destruction of the reality of the existence of the two sexes.

    • Exactly.
      And I add: massive wealth redistribution, world Nazi Nanny dictatorship, and hate for Capitalism.
      A world made for Francis.

  4. Thanks Mundy for that. the readings at today’s Latin Mass for St Anthony of Padua are quite apt in reference to what you have written here.

  5. If you check out Le Salon Beige (French) this week you’ll see the Nazi nanny in full bloom, in the attempt at death by dehydration of that poor injured man, Vincent, whose wife apparently finds him inconvenient. I wonder if Francis will send his condolences to the widow….