Padre Pio Will Not Save Francis’ Face

San Padre Pio, proteggimi tu!

And it came to pass the body of Padre Pio is going to be transported to Rome in a 500km travel also stopping at Pietrelcina, his birthplace.

Clearly, there is some hope among the people at the Vatican that the strong devotion of the Italian people for this greatest of modern Saints will revive the affluence of pilgrims, thus saving – as far as it goes – Francis' face.

Alas, I see a little problem with this.

Padre Pio was the very embodiment of everything Francis hates. Whenever Francis criticises the old, rigid, legalists, strictly “by the rule” Catholics, you know they all have Padre Pio as their champions, and Padre Pio would have been proud, not ashamed, of them. Padre Pio is the perfect anti-Francis.

I also note that Padre Pio was very known to – in Francis' words – “obsess” about homosexuality and communism. There is no doubt Padre Pio loathed the fake priest in the style of Bergoglio, and was horrified by Vatican II. He famously said he hoped to die before being put in front of the choice whether to celebrate the Novus Ordo or disobey (he was later exempted, like many other old priests). In short, Padre Pio is all that Francis hates, and Padre Pio would have loathed all that Francis is and does.

I do not know whether the pilgrims will run to see Padre Pio, though I think it probable. I can well imagine many will stay home in order to avoid their devotion for the holy man being abused by Francis as his own success. However, the love for Padre Pio is very strong in Italy, and San Giovanni Rotondo is still a fairly isolated place in the middle of the mountains in Southern Italy.

Be it as it may, this is not Francis having any traction.

This is Francis trying to shine out of Padre Pio's light.



Posted on February 5, 2016, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 11 Comments.

  1. The cynicism of the modernists to do something like this is simply staggering. Devotion is definitely not driving this process. 😦

  2. Bergoglio is but a tool, a useful one. I am increasingly convinced that he sincerely believes in global communist-homosexualist horror of so called peace and unity. He is also convinced of his own wisdom and goodness, one that prompts him to make friends with the worst liars and Satan worshippers Masonry has ever produced, instead of attempting to correct their evil ways.

    Could it be that merciful and humble Bergoglio has been moved by a very unholy spirit of surprises to reach out to stubborn judgemental backward rigid close-minded and cold-hearted legalistic Catholics by using their holy Saint? Could it be a last chance for them, the last show of good will, the last call to join Bergoglio’s new religion, before he comes down on the remnant in all fury?

    • Who would come down on the remnant? I am afraid I am a bit lost here.
      if you mean Francis, the beauty of Catholicism is that it can’t be manipulated so easily. One only fools those who ask to be fooled.

  3. Have a great devotion to dear St. Pio, like many. Perhaps this is God’s way of showing people the Truth and putting Jorge to shame. Curiosity about this great man might enlighten some souls and set their hearts on fire with love for all that God is and what His Church should be. Padre Pio is a great intercessor and I am sure he will do everything possible to help poor souls. Everything happens for a reason.

  4. We may be surprised in course of time Padre Pio may appear to Pope Pio and may warn him, in his dream, to mend his ways ; warn him to get ready for his last journey in a short while from now on. Padre Pio knows the damage being caused after V II and the loss of faith in the upper Hierarchy, at the seat of Peter.

    • You mean appear to Francis.
      However, to have saints appearing to one is a great grace, and an extremely rare one. The likely bet is that the man will get no such favour and will die the same ass he has always lived.

  5. There is another ulterior motive here, not related to veneration.

  6. New thing you know he’ll be canonizing Pius XII…. anything to increase the ever dwindling crowds…

    • Well, he would have to beatify him first… still waiting…
      Albeit, if I were Pius XII over there in heaven, I would rather prefer to be beatified by a decent Pope. This assuming, a bit by way of absurdity, that he cares for such things.

    • Yeah, it’s horrible there.
      Please do not post unrelated links, and when you post a link say why you post it and what is in it.
      This one I have posted. Normally I trash.