Ratzingergate. Part III: The Consequences.



I have published parts one and two already.

Now, I would like to spend three words about what we learn from this embarrassing episode. I for myself have drawn the following conclusions:

  • Ratzinger has become a mini-me Bergoglio. On the issues he has touched the crap was largely the same.  Only the syntax was different. Ratzinger can actually think, and talk. But he has lost face, big time.
  • Ratzinger does so because he is, in his deepest soul, a supporting rider, a follower, an order taker. He will bat with the Vatican side. That’s it.
  • Ratzinger has become so embarrassing that even the “Frankie ain’t Pope, Benny is” fraction will now be in severe shock. And I don’t think most of them considered him a saint, either. And I still don’t know what their plan is for when Benedict dies, btw.
  • Ratzinger was an astonishingly superficial man in his way of seeing the Pontificate. It is now more clear why he got rid of it. A Pope who thinks that being able to fly to Brazil belongs to being Pope should be invited to resign anyway.  

A tragic figure. A man who could have done so much, and has ended up doing worse and worse. A man, as it appears clear now, able to equate the Papacy with the ability of clowning around. 

What a sad, tragic figure. 




Posted on August 27, 2016, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Ratzingergate. Part III: The Consequences..

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