Bizarro World




As the Pope proclaims – by why of footnote + letter – a heretical doctrine, the bishops of Alberta, Canada, state the obvious: (emphasis mine)

In the case where the tribunal upholds the validity of the first union, obedience in faith to the indissolubility of marriage as revealed by Christ will make clear to them the actions that must follow. They are bound to live with the consequences of that truth as part of their witness to Christ and his teaching on marriage.

(I will, out of pure mercy, spare you the rant about the “brother ans sister” thingy, which is now truly going to my nerves. However, see here). 

What a world has this become where bishops must intervene, very publicly, to reaffirm with their sheep the most elementary truths of Catholicism, because the Pope himself is spreading heresy.

And what another troubling sign of the time, that Bishops must intervene to correct the Pope’s heresy, but do not think it fit to say that he is.

One is obviously happy that at least something is being done. But from a bishop one expects more than something. One expects the clear denunciation of heresy within the Church no matter who is the heretic.

I know that it is not asking a little. But being  a bishop is not “a little”, either. being a bishop should bring with itself the understood, unquestioned preparedness to whatever fight, whatever suffering, whatever persecution. Bishops are the descendants of the Apostles, almost all of them martyrs. They aren’t the descendants of diplomats or politicians. When they have accepted the purple, they knew they were treading on the blood of the martyrs who preceded them from the very start. They knew the job required and required of them to unquestioningly accept every sacrifice their position demands.

They are not the poor baker forced to bake cakes for perverts in order not to lose his house. Their moral position is eminently different from the one of the poor quisque de populo, squashed by a hostile environment and trying (be it for reasons of prudence, or weakness) to be as Catholic as he can without making of himself a beggar. More than anyone else, a bishop is required to invite and accept persecution for the sake of Christ, because this is exactly what is in his job description.

We need bishop martyrs. We need to give to the generations that will come after our disgraceful one the example that some bishops resisted, that the Church was not all rotten, that a shameless rapscallion of a Pope was not allowed to affirm heresy one footnote, one letter and many off-the-cuff speeches at a time and no single “Vatican” bishop dared to confront him openly, no matter what the consequences. 

And by the way – I say this only as a fact; it has no bearing on the duty of a bishop – many thousand priests and missionaries, and countless simple faithful in dangerous zones, give witness of their faith every day at a far greater peril for their life and limb, and for the welfare of their families, than Francis will ever be able to do to bishops daring to challenge him as a heretic. 

The Pope spreads heresy. Some bishops mumble something to the contrary. Nobody challenges him directly. Most of the (if memory serves) 8,000 bishops of the Catholic world just shuts up, and wait for this to pass (which it won’t, because the Evil Clown keeps appointing Cardinals).

It truly is a bizarro world. 






Posted on September 19, 2016, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. I wrote a similar commentary a few days ago, asking when are the Purples and Reds coming to the defense of the Faith, reminding them of their Apostolic origins:

    “Where are you? We need you! Christ needs you! Holy Mother Church needs you! How long will you remain cowering in the darkness of your palatial dens, waiting for others to do the work that you were given Divine command to perform yourselves?”

  2. With nearly all Bishops refusing speak out about the Pope’s heretical statements God must intervene to level the playing field so most Catholics do not have an excuse for bad behavior.

  3. I am here in Alberta, While some think it is too little too late, I am grateful. Better late than not at all. If only people could appreciate their Bishops’ clarification! No, they want communion for the divorced, as they want transgenderism in catholic schools. They don’t thank the Bishops, they want change. They have chosen a communist government, a bold step after decades of conservatives’ domination in the province.

  4. If a marriage is valid, even if divorce has happened, the couple is urged (as in commanded) to reconcile for the sake of their salvation. These canon laws are about reconciliation, which are ignored today: 1152.1, 1153.2, 1155, 1446.2, 1676, 1695

    All we hear is the brother/sister “thingy.”

    I can still hear the good nun whom I had in high school saying, “Girls, if you think that it is hard to live with a husband, it is much harder to spend eternity in hell.” God bless her. That was just before Vatican II.

    Couples make vows before God for better or worse until death. Aquinas says that it is a mortal sin to break a vow, Summa Q. 88, Art. 7. Of course it is, duh.

    Couples marrying know what they are doing. They cannot get out of any other contract they sign. Why do they think that God will accept their excuses?

    • I will say it here again that I do not have any source of this “brother and sister” being preached – at least as a general remedy – before V II.

      At some point a child will have to realise that papa does not live under the same roof because of the great sinfulness of his doing so, period.

    • Well said, tmsharel…that particular Canons on marriage have been neutered is no longer a secret; that they are openly ignored is well known to those on the receiving end of their neutering; and that those charged with their enforcement are openly complicit in the travesty of broken Catholic families, wherein they side with the need of the one over the needs of the many – or the Sacrament – without so much as calling a meeting between the spouses.

      The phraseology “…your marriage is irretrievably broken…”, written in reply to respondents who complain to their Ordinary, is taken directly from the “How to Deflect Responsibility for Dummies – Catholic Bishop Edition” given to every Bishop since VII was instituted.

      But, hey! Aren’t we all just one, big, happy blended family now????!!!

  5. I have to wonder if the increasing centralization the Pope of decentralization is creating won’t work to the advantage of Christ and His Kingdom soon {well, soon in geologic time…}.

    For one Pope who is a true man of god can radically drive out the moneychangers in one fell swoop. And I think it will happen. {BTW: I don’t think doctrine means anything anymore to the Kraut Bishops. C’mon, seriously. The German “Church” is about preservation of incomes and diocesan economies. We are going off into the high weeds when we take their theologizing seriously. They are whorish moneychangers in the Temple, that is all}.

    A Pope in the future is going to condemn the heresies of this Pontificate and the heretics will form their on conclave and elect a new “Pope”. And those who have ears to hear and eyes to see will know which one to follow.

    • if you ask me, a Catholic Pope will clean up in a few years whatever the strength of the Vatican apparatus. Consider that Francis is appointing FrancisBishops everywhere, and is therefore creating a situation of diffused heresy anyway.

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