Preserving Our Idntity

When I was asked about my religion, I simply used to say “I am Catholic”. This pretty much worked before The Age Of Confusion.

Nowadays, it is not so easy. Whilst I have the impression that most non-Catholic people only get faint echos of the Church of Francis, I am too afraid to run the risk of being confused with one of the Sanctimonious Faggots.

Therefore, I nowadays prefer to say that I am a “Traditionalist Catholic”, explaining on request that “I believe and profess everything that your grand-grandmother would have believed and professed, if she had been a Catholic”. It normally works a charm.

It seems to me that this little insertion achieves all my aims: not only avoids confusion with the FrancisChurch, but immediately conveys to the listener the message that modern Catholicism as he has perceived it from the Media is wrong, because it does not follow Tradition.

As we defend Catholic values, we must take distance from the growing army of silent and not so silent Apostates who call themselves Catholics and are no better than social justice warriors: often perverted ones, and never orthodox ones.

Try it in your private life. You will discover that even people not interested in theology will have no problem at all in understanding the meaning of your statement: a total rejection of V II in general and the Church before V II in particular.

You won in any way, even if they reject you. Because they now have in front of them an example of authentic Catholicism, without any possibility to persuade themselves that Catholicism is not what has always been, but the caricature that Francis has made of it.

It shouldn't be necessary to add such qualifications, but it actually is.

In the time if Francis, not even the word Catholic is immune from contamination.




Posted on August 3, 2017, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. If someone were to ask me, I would say that Traditional Catholics are Catholics who believe in all the teachings of the Catholic Church. ‘Other’ Catholics believe in only some and are therefore really Protestants. The unacknowledged Catholic merger with Protestantism occurred after Vatican II as was the result of the Bishops failure to proclaim and enforce
    Catholic doctrine.

  2. I tell folks “I’m an SSPX Catholic!”

  3. johnfkennedy63

    “Contamination”. Have you seen that PF has stated that “the life of the Church is a contamination of the Light.”

    And I always thought contamination was a bad thing.

  4. Woah. I quite literally had this exact conversation two hours ago with a coworker who asked about the “rift” between “conservatives” and “liberals.” Ten minutes later there stood a stunned Baptist who finally understood when I explained that Frank teaches that the ,ultiplication of loaves was just sharing.


  5. I make the same sort of distinction when people ask me if I have children. I always reply I’ve never been pregnant. I never explain it but we all know what that means

  6. Ha, this is so true!

    I answer, “Traditional Roman Catholic”.

  7. johnfkennedy63, Francis must be an evil incarnate that he hates the light. Let’s remind him the Gospel according to St. John: “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness; and the darkness grasped it not …It was the true light that enlightens every man who comes into the world.”

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