EWTN’s Special Sight

Gotta admire a Mr Ed Conlon, writing for the EWTN owned CNA.

Mr Conlon has some kind of superpowers.  He sees something no one else seem to notice. besides the rubbish about how bad the opponent of TheFrancis are, what is most amusing is Mr Conlon’s assured assertion that the Pope is clearly against communion for divorced and remarried. The entire planet – and four Cardinals – are moaning the state of utter confusion in which this man has – make no mistake: willfully, and only because he is too cowardly to go beyond confusing –  plunged the Church, but this does not seem to faze the author in the least. No, what he thinks is happening is that we have an orthodox pope, but the entire planet is mad because the wrong people (people whom, in part, he keeps employing and keeping in position of great responsibility) distort his message.

This must be the greatest Pollyanna effort I have read this year. It is, actually, between tragic and amusing that as we are about to approach the second Christmas of utter chaos there should still be around people who keep flogging this not only dead, but by now abundantly decomposed horse of the “misunderstood Pope”. Not only the letter to the Argentinian bishops is enough to expose the utter rubbish propagated by this article: far more to the point, the refusal of the pope to answer the Dubia (something an orthodox, if not good at words, Pope could and would have done in less time than Usain Bolt needs to run 100 meters) and the disheartening evidence of conflicting practices now spreading all over the Catholic world are more than enough to show what the intentions of this evil Pope are: sabotage Catholicism as much as he can whilst avoiding a frontal, all-out assault to the Church he so evidently hates; something for which he clearly – and by God’s grace – has no spine.

As the hired pens of this disgraceful Pontiff keep embarrassing themselves, thus utterly destroying the reputation of so-called moderate Catholic outlets (I wouldn’t call today’s ETWN conservative by any standard of conservatism), those who have a brain to think and a soul to save keep realising that this Pope is a menace to the faith, and a very personal threat to their own salvation. 

Beware of the Pollyannas. At this point, theirs is way more than naivete.

It is disingenuousness in the most serious of matters like the defense of Catholic truth.


Posted on November 19, 2017, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. The Hilary White word of the day comes to mind: retard.