PaedoVatican And No End

That sickle would have been better with a rainbow painted on it...

And it came to pass another fairly high prelate in Faggot City (this is the new unofficial name of Vatican City) was unmasked as both homo and paedo. Monsignor Amenta, apparently a Bishop and a Sacra Rota judge (no less!), was found in possession of child pornography on his computer. Read on the link the pathetic details about this old pig, unable to stay away from the genitals of men in public.

Quis judicet judices?

Whilst this guy was apparently promoted to his position by Pope Benedict whilst already known to the Italian Carabinieri, I would not put Francis and Benedict in the same frying pan on this. There can't be any doubt that Benedict was sincerely interested, and generally successful, in combating paedophilia among the clergy; nor can the man be accused of not being a private investigator if – as it seems very likely, knowing the man – he was not informed of Monsignor Amenta's stomach-churning inclinations. The difference is this: that in the case of Benedict it is a fact that he acted to fight against paedophile clergy, and in the case of Francis it is a fact that he either aided and abetted the homo Mafia, or he is their hostage, or he is one of them. As to child abuse, Francis basically dismantled the apparatus set up by Benedict.

Now: as this little blog has noticed many times, whilst not all homos are paedos, almost all paedos are homos. It follows that Francis' relentless cover-up of the homo Mafia is bound to give him cases of paedophilia inside the Vatican, whether he knows it or not, whether he wants it or not.

I have written only very recently about Francis nuking his own Pontificate, and only hours later the next scandal erupts.

Truly, Francis is one of a kind.



Posted on February 19, 2018, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. So now we have it, the REAL reason why attendance has dropped off… Rev 18: 2 & 4

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