300 Pages Report (Or Its Most Succulent Parts) About To Be Released

Oh, the irony!

I have written only yesterday about the fact that a decent Francis would now give full disclosure concerning the famous 300 pages report, and I am now informed that an Italian newspaper obtained if not the whole documents, at least the most important bits: who are the prelates accused of homosexuality and what is the evidence against them.

If really published, this will be another huge blow to Francis, as it will become unavoidably clear that the man protected and promoted for years a net of people he knew to be rotten.

At times I think that with the news appearing now almost every day, the biggest danger for Francis’ Pontificate is not the endless string of scandals. It is the danger of a stroke or heart attack following one of his notorious outbursts of rage; something very unhealthy at his age, and with this frequency.

Isn’t it grand that we, the humble pewsitter, are given a clear, unimpeded view of all the dirt this man decided to cover up?

Glorious days ahead.

Keep pounding of the heretical FrancisPontificate. Pulverise, disintegrate, atomise it! When the dirt is removed, the Church will shine again below it. One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic as it never ceased to be, not for one second.


Posted on September 14, 2018, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 14 Comments.

  1. Amen to all that M. Francis has become our best fiend showing the world how far off the rails the Church has gone since Vatican II. He is the perfect personification of the current state of the Church hierarchy.

  2. “I have written only yesterday about the fact that a decent Francis would now give full disclosure concerning the famous 300 pages report, and I am now informed that an Italian newspaper obtained if not the whole documents, at least the most important bits: who are the prelates accused of homosexuality and what is the evidence against them.“
    Where? It would be amazing, so if you can link it i would be really grateful (sono italiano perciò non ho nemmeno problemi di comprensione o di dover usare google translate per tradurlo😂).
    Thanks in advance, Mundabor.

    • Articolo annunciato su “il fatto quotidiano”. Occorre essere abbonati per leggere sul web. Io ho letto una traduzione postata su Canon212 (eccellente).

  3. Mundabor, Michael Voris reported on this yesterday aa ‘breaking news’…but one of his commenters said this was already published by the Italian newspaper months ago, and no credible Italian source (Sandro Magister etc.) has reported on it.
    As you are Italian, did you get your news fron Italy…and if so, is the news source credible?

  4. I believe it will be revealed that many of those named helped ensure that Bergoglio became “the Francis.”

  5. Dear Mundabor, What do you think about Pope Francis inmediate predecessorS? Didn`t they cover up the same garbage? didn`t they promote homosexual bishops? Or did those bishops flourished only in the las years? Please answer me, because I am thinking that in spite of the fact that Francis is to be blamed, I think he shouldn`t be the only one and that more than one saint or beatus, should be removed from his altar. Regards. Hilbert from Argentina.

  6. I believe we are witnessing the last days of the evil clown. There’s no way he can survive the multitude of scandals now being revealed. Favorable public opinion of him is declining and even some MSM are reporting more objectively. When they finally turn on him, it’s over.
    Mundabor, I agree Francis would never abdicate if it were up to him. It’s going to take his inner circle to convince him to resign. Like rats leaving a sinking ship, they will try to salvage some semblance of their own clerical careers. Then it will be a race to throw Francis under the bus.
    Bad humans come and go, but Christ’s Church is indestructible! Thanks be to God!

    • I would like to believe it. But I think there is no scenario in which the Cardinal Farrell and Fr Martin of the world are safer *after* Francis has abdicated.

  7. “…one of his notorious outbursts of rage”
    I wish someone would record one of these, just once, and release it. The Humble label would finally go away.

  8. Mundy, please don’t ever use the words “Francis”, “Bergoglio” and “stroke” in the same sentence again.
    I beg you. There’s enough perversion relating to this monster already.

  9. Francis and his minions have been believed that they will be protected and given all vain glory of this world: money, power and sodomitic pleasures, but when God has started the rescue mission with Arb. Vigano who has exposed them, they knew right away that they’re losing the battle. Now their master became furious on their failures of eliminating RCC and desperately thrown final blow to betray and dumb all of them, the agents and the deeply corrupted church officials in order to turn the Church up side down the last time and by the way collects his harvest. Evil MSM, Satanic tool has begun to disclose all the names and gate of hell is already opened, no time to see light, worry about fate. God’s saving power is awesome and His Church will rise up again.