50 Years of Satanic Sabotage

The New Mass is 50 years old today.

This obscene, satanic deformation of the Mass is the fruit of the mentality – obscene and satanic itself – that wanted to renew what had always worked so well up to then; as if we were in need of a new Mass like we might like a new car or a new toaster.

50 years later, the results of the sabotage are under everybody’s eyes. The loss of the sacredness of the Mass created a general loss of religious feeling. The childish antics going on now have destroyed the sense of sacredness and – just as important – authority. 50 years later, most Catholics think it normal that they get to decide what is right or wrong of what the Church believes. The sense of sin has gone pretty much entirely away, substituted by the fuzzy feeling of believing that God will forgive them everything and give them an express ticket to heaven because they lurv.

All this mess starts from the sabotage of the Mass, and this in turn originated from the will to sabotage Christ’s Church. Francis is a typical representative of this age, albeit a very evil one. He just hates Catholicism and the Church, which did not prevent him from scrounging from Her all his damn wasted life.

Make no mistake, there was no innocence in this. It was a planned act of sabotage perpetrated by evil men who hated everything the Church is and represents; many of them because homosexuals or actual sodomites, many others because they had lost the Faith, if they ever had it, and felt fine with a comfortable existence on the side of the world and its conformism, errors and prejudices.

The New Mass has to die, and to be remembered only for the atrocious, impious act of rebellion it is.

No surprise that the Pope who signed for this evil has been canonized by the evil forces behind this diabolic movement.


Posted on April 3, 2019, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. I’ve been reading Malachi Martin’s The Jesuits (1987). It deals with the history of the Company and how Modernism and Liberation after VII fomented disobedience and revolution in the mid 60s. PF was ordained in 1969 so he imbibed the Marxism in South America and drank the Kool Aid of Pedro Arrupe et al. As they took down the Jesuits in the 60s, PF is trying to do the same with Holy Mother Church. May God help us!

  2. Teutonic Warrior

    Love your articles. These Councilor Catholics are a new religion, not Catholic; maybe Katholic? But keep the faith man. I agree about the Mass and a lot of the doctrine too has gone progressive or modernist. The new church is more Protestant now, and not even a good imitation. It is just bad. I feel sorry for those trapped in this system. May God preserve them somehow.

  3. I think it is a great grace to recognize how deformed the “Novus Ordo” really is. It makes me recoil in horror when I observe the goings on at a typical Novus Ordo Mass. I get physically ill sometimes thinking I must attend Mass at a Novus Ordo parish to fulfill Sunday obligation. I sometimes must attend when I lack access to the TLM.

    I’ve had SSPX priests tell me to keep the Sabbath holy by reading the epistle and gospel in the traditional calendar and avoid the Novus Ordo as it is lethal to souls. From other quarters I am told I must go to Mass every Sunday even if it is Novus Ordo and “offer up my sorrow” at the travesty before me and not to forget Christ is really present in the Sacrament.

    I got the impression once you attended “reverent” NO Mass in London.

    • I have the same problem. I attend the Novus Ordo as a punishment and penance. It really makes me long for the faith of our fathers.

  4. On St. Patrick’s Day this year, I had to attend my 8 year old grandson’s First Communion in the very church where mine took place. (However, my Mom took us out of there after the nuns who taught our summer catechism program began teaching us Bob Dylan songs and otherwise being ‘cool’.) In the meantime, I was involved in bringing the SSPX to my city & raised my two sons there. A couple of years ago, after 10 years of marriage, the wife of son #1 decided she wanted to return to the novus ordo church because that’s where she became a Catholic.
    On St. Patrick’s day, I struggled through the Mass where the parish priest, a 60-ish African American of Southern Baptist background, chatted during Mass & gave us a ‘homily’ with quaint vignettes from his past. The noise before and throughout was – well – noisy. Too many things to mention, but there were little hand-painted ceramic ‘chalices’ on a tray near the table. Each child had painted his own ‘blessing cup’. As on two other occasions, I walked out before I would observe any of my family handling the hosts & sat in my car for 10 minutes.

    One consolation, as soon as a handshaking trans person tries to shake hands with one of my son’s 3 boys or his little daughter. my son will likely be searching for a new ‘worship space’.

  5. A young traditional priest in Tasmania who introduced the Latin Mass to his parish was removed by the bishop after a woman “lay leader” complained that her role was taken away and that the priest wore traditional attire. Not only that, the priest was attacked physically. Read the entire thing from Father Z’s blog: http://wdtprs.com/blog/2019/04/vicious-letter-to-a-young-faithful-priest/
    It’s probably safer for this priest NOT to be in this parish if the crazy parishioners want to continue following Maureen Bennett (the woman lay leader) instead of a traditional Catholic priest, and will beat him over the head (it is Australia after all). I hope that he gets assigned to a parish that deserves him.

  6. Novus Ordo mass is very abusive and to my understanding every body has the right to go traditional mass that would fulfill your Sunday’s obligation.