Vatican Filth: The Real Story behind The Cover-Up Accusations

LifeSite News has a long and very detailed article about the cover-up of sexual abuse in a Vatican pre-seminary.  

One Bishop and two Cardinals are implicated in this story. But my blog post is not about this. I note the following:

1. The molester: (obviously) homosexual.

2. The “victim”: homosexual.

3. The whistleblower: homosexual.

4. Reports of several relationships of sexual nature among the pre-seminarians.

5. The Vatican appears to say, inter alia, that the investigation was stopped because the people involved were of same age. It does not say (and it does not appear anywhere) that the investigation led to both parties being kicked out because homosexual.

6. The homosexual alleged aggressor, actually, now ordained a priest.

Summa summarum: an Astonishingly sordid story, in which the sordidness of it all is treated by the Vatican as ordinary administration.

This, if you ask me, is a bigger story than the alleged cover up itself. Then in my culture, a 13 years old homosexual boy cannot really say that he was “abused”. At 13 you are old enough to kick anyone in the balls, and many a boy is almost as bis as his homosexual aggressor. A homosexual 13 years old was, more likely, just plain horny. To this I add the bitchiness, primadonna attitude and general lack of reliability of anyone who (like the whistleblower) has the effrontery to present himself as a decent guy when he was a homo trying to become a priest, and no qualms about that.

Also, my hunch is: forget the “victim”. The Italian prosecutors are investigating, but frankly, the underwriting remembers boys and girls sexually active at that age in school time, and I personally don’t buy the “abuse” story. The age of consent in Italy is 14, and for very sensible reasons. Let us stop pretending that 13 years old boys can just be cowed into sodomitic submission. That’s not how life and common sense work.

No, the underlying story here is much, much bigger: homosexual tendencies and outright sodomy are considered business as usual in the Vatican of Francis and Coccopalmerio.

That this is not shouted out loud from every roof (and the attention is misplaced on a likely rather horny 13 old homoboy, of whom it is in question if he was even 13 at the time), is the most astonishing feature of this story.



Posted on September 20, 2019, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.