Apostles Of Virtue

Take these institutions:

So-called Church of England.

UK Royal Family

Parts of the Catholic Clergy

Teaching Professions

Police (in the UK)

What do they all have in common? The loss of the high degree of social prestige and influence enjoyed in past decades. In short: people used to like them, believe in them, respect them, have a high degree of connection to them.

Societal changes – often helped by the same institutions – have now reduced this influence to a shadow of its former self.

The so-called CoE pastor is the one who clearly does not believe in God himself. The Britidh Monarchy is only good for opening kindergartens and have their infidelities and hypocrisies used as trash press fodder. The Catholic priest has a suspiciously high-pitched voice. The teacher is the one who helps people no *not* learn to write, compute and think. The neighbourhood “Bobber” has all but disappeared, and the Police will now visit you if you call a wretch of a human being with the right pronoun.

What do all these groups do to cling to their social position – which also means: jobs -? They become the new Apostles Of Virtues, bombarding all of us with their notions – born of the alleged moral superiority they still think they have – of correct behaviour, correct talking, even correct thinking.

Surprisingly, it works, because the general public – unable to write properly, much less think autonomously – still largely shares the idea that these people are “better than them”. This is what gave us all the pc policies of the last, say, 20 years.

Alas, the wall of public subservience is showing some cracks. More and more people are looking around themselves, and they are realising that the pontificating, but faithless pastor is a waste of space; the Royals are, with some exception, a bunch of useless, hypocritical scroungers, and it’s getting worse with every generation; the high-pitched priest is trying to deflect from his own homosexuality; the teacher is an abject human and professional failure; and the “bobber” is no more, though Joe Smith may have known the enforcer of online politeness already.

When entire categories of people become useless or perceive a great loss of social prestige, the Virtue Signalling cannot be far away. Western societies are too rich to perceive the huge waste in resources and common sense that these people cause.

Slowly, some people are waking up. Trump, Brexit, Salvini, Bolsonaro are helping them to recover the old, solid, sane way of thinking. But it is a long march, with uncertain outcome.

Do not tire in being among the voices of sanity.

It’s us sane people against the fake, arrogant, pompous, empty Apostles Of Virtue.

Posted on October 25, 2019, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. sixlittlerabbits

    Mundabor, just saw this: https://joansrome.wordpress.com/2019/10/25/statues-thown-in-tiber-recovered-by-italian-police/. Sorry to hear the Italian police wasted resources to retrieve these cheap and ugly idols!

    Your post on virtue signaling is on target.

  2. Another great one helping to wake them up, Viktor Orban: “Europe is not free, because freedom begins with speaking the truth. Today in Europe it is forbidden to speak the truth. Even if it is made of silk, a muzzle is a muzzle.”

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