Our Lady To St Bridget, And The Way To Deal With Horrible Popes

If you go here and, once scrolled down to the comments, click on the little image posted by reader “Defensa de la fe”, you will find the transcript of the words of Our Lady to St Bridget concerning a Pope allowing priests to contract marriage. Alas, I did not manage to import the image here, but you will be just fine clicking on the image and letting the image fill the screen.

Note this: a Pope allowing a person who is already a consecrated priest to contract marriage would be infinitely worse than a pope allowing men who are already married to become priests. The first case has never happened and could not possibly happen, as it has always been a tenet of the faith that a priest, once consecrated as such, cannot marry. The second has always happened in exceptional cases in the Western church, and regularly in the Eastern (and then schismatic, and then in part again in communion with Rome) one. I actually know of two Catholic bloggers (one good, one not so much) who are exactly in that situation: marriage first, consecration later.

Still, the text that is reported of the vision to St Bridget does not say at all that a Pope who would do such horrible things would, ipso facto, cease to be a Pope; nor does it say that it would be for every faithful to decide that such a Pope is an Antipope, or a flower vase, or an elephant. No, the words of the vision (those, mind, who can be read in that image) leave the reader in no doubt that such a horrible man (more horrible, no doubt, that even His Heretical Horrendousness, Pachamama Francis) would be subject to blood-curling punishment for being an absolutely horrible Pope. Also, it is clear that God would allow such a pope to lose every spiritual illumination and inspiration, and to be left in a state of complete spiritual blindness, whilst remaining the Pope. No other interpretation is possible, because if a pope carrying out such deeds were to lose his office, most certainly Our Lady would have warned the faithful, via St Bridget, to refuse to recognise him as such!

This, my friends, is exactly the reading that every Catholic raised in the Italian environment (accustomed to horrible popes, and finding the history of the city and surrounding territories scattered with the remnants of their deeds) would think of such a pope; then the idea that it would be for the individual faithful or theologian to establish who is the pope and who is not the pope would be so outlandish as the idea of rewriting the Commandments.

Mind: this is an individual revelation and, whilst St Bridget enjoys enormous prestige, no Catholic is obliged to believe in it. Similarly, there could be more in the revelation than is addressed in the quotation I have linked to.

Still, keep this well in mind: that it is not for you, or for me, or for everybody that is not a sufficiently robust body of bishops and cardinals, to officially declare who is validly a pope.

The sad fact still remain, that this pope is clearly so evidently heretic as the sun is evidently hot; but the heresy would be just as evident in the hypothesis related to St Bridget.

The situation is, if you ask me, brutally simple:

  1. We live in times of heretical popes (I add here Francis II Cupich and Francis III Tagle for good measure, so you are ready for things getting even worse)
  2. The heretical popes are God’s punishment for the immense rebellion of Vatican II; they are, in fact, allowed exactly in order for the faithful to get this single point. 
  3. The heretical pope must, in the natural, be deposed by Bishops and/or Cardinals rebelling to the heresy and forcing him to recant, or else declaring him deposed; and woe to those bishops and cardinals who refuse to act!
  4. This age of heresy will end when God has decided that we have been punished enough, either by inspiring the bishops and cardinals to finally act or through some other extraordinary event.
  5. it is, cela va sans dire, not for us to decide who is pope in the meantime; particularly when there is no other person even claiming Francis’ job, or declaring him an usurper, or even rebuking him publicly and officially; the person often unwillingly chosen for the role obviously refusing it very publicly and supporting Francis on different occasions.

We live in sad times. But I personally still prefer these times to the fall of the Roman Empire, the Black Death, or the conquest of Constantinople.

We cannot choose the times we have been given to live in. What we can do is to march on with the truth revealed to us, dying in the Catholic faith in the midst of crumbling worlds if needs be.








Posted on February 28, 2020, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 11 Comments.

  1. We live in an extraordinary time of testing our faith. And we should mark Christ’s words.

    “And will not God revenge his elect who cry to him day and night: and will he have patience in their regard?
    I say to you, that he will quickly revenge them. But yet the Son of man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, faith on earth?”
    —Luke 18:7-8

    It would appear that few will pass the test.

  2. J. Ronald Parrish

    Thank you for your many posts. The only theme I have a problem with is that God inflicted Bergolio on the Church due to sinful actions. The average Catholic depends on the heirachy of the Church to teach in conformity with Divine revelation. Imagine the millions that will be led astray by this heretic Pope and his probable successor. I find it difficult to believe that this is a punishment inflicted by God on his the sincere but clueless average pewsitter. Will God “cut them some slack” for following in good faith the teaching of these heretics? Their control is a reality, but that they have been placed there by God as punishment with the ability to mislead generations and millions of souls, is difficult to fathom. Do I have an explanation? No. Might you be correct? Yes. If you feel it appropriate, I wish you would address this issue at some point.

    • I find the average pewsitter all but clueless. Too many are the “I am a Catholic, but” that I have heard. Nor are they impressed when I point out to the absurdity of their reasoning.
      V II was spurned by lack of faith, alimented itself through lack of obedience, and thrives through lack of shame.
      Look at the tattoed “extraordinary ministers” feeling so important and at the women in the sanctuary. It’s all you need to know.

  3. Hey! I’m A Catholic Too.
    When I was 18 yrs. old, I enlisted in the military in order to “go fight” for our country, and free prople from tyrants, no matter where in the world. I was part of a force that you did not want to contend with, otherwise we would destroy you.

    Sometimes we’d be talking amongst ourselves and someone would ask “what religion are you?”. A Catholic, I would say. Then I hear, everyone else identyfying themselve to various religions and churches.

    Then I would hear someone say “Hey, I’m a Catholic too”. I was so refreshing in that moment to hear that. Eventhough we were in a terrible place and our lives “hung on a balance” of how well we fought together.

    At that moment we 2 catholics would put down our weapons and shake hands. It was like the universe was at peace.

    Now I’m super old. My wife and I arrive for Mass at least 45 minutes before it begins..
    Too pray of course, not that i like the last pew.
    But mainly I like to talk to Jesus in the Tabernacle ( still located at center of altar).
    Yes pray, but also to talk to Him the same way when I heard the ” Hey I’m a Catholic too”..

    The Bootom Line:
    These Bishops and Cardinals need to unite and “Weed the Garden” of heretical everything…
    But I think it is too late, and Heaven needs to directly intervene.

    • Thanks for your post and for your service, Leo. You are another example that it is not so difficult to see where the truth lies, if one (with God’s grace) wants to

  4. The Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds has gotten me through a lot in life. There are forces beyond our control that sow strife and dissent. It’s a mysterious part of God’s plan that the elimination of the evil could harm the good but that’s the deal. Perhaps it’s like removing an alcoholic father from his family with the result that his kids end up on the streets having to do terrible things to survive. The abuse was bad but removing the dad made the kids suffer even more. It’s an imperfect analogy but you get the idea. All we can do is try to be the wheat in the midst of the weeds knowing that God will sort it out in His own good time.

  5. Let’s consider the actual Crucifixion. The Apostles of that time were a despicable bunch… shall we say, a portent of things to come. 1/12th of them viciously betrayed Him; 1/12th of them outright denied Him; 9/12th of them ran and hid; only 1/12th of them (the youngest, the boy Apostle) suffered and grieved with Him and our Great Mother along with a few disciples (only the women are mentioned in the Gospels).

    I think it is reasonable to assume that His disciples among the “common people” would have been much dismayed by the “collegial” (in)action of the Apostles. But, nevertheless, there is no record that anyone sought to appoint themselves (not even John the Apostle) as the arbiter of what the “Man Son of God” said or meant. Indeed, they huddled in fear and confusion until they were “Baptised with fire” at Pentecost.

    Let’s be fair! it is fairly obvious that the successors of the Apostles are also a cowardly and ambitious bunch but that does not give any of us the authority to rule the Church and to decree with Divine mandate who is, or is not, acceptable as a successor to the Apostles however weak and ineffectual they might be. It seems to me that another “Baptism with fire” is imminent.

    Mind you, that does not excuse a supine idiocy. Our Lord clearly said “You see the clouds coming over the hill and you say that it will rain” and “by their fruits you will know them” which demands a “personal judgement” that every one of us will have to own up to on Judgement Day. What is really scary, to me, is the possible accusation of the Judge that I did not make the reasonable judgement and went along with known error for convenience.

    • Your two last paragraphs contradicts themselves, it seems to me. However horrible the Pope, you are safe in the knowledge that you recognised the Pope the Church told you is the Pope.

    • Not at all! a personal judgement is what it is… an opinion that one will have to own up to on Judgement Day that does not “bind” by “law” or Faith.
      What is, and where is, this supposed Church that “told” me who is “pope”? and how is it justified by law and “Sensus fidelium”?

    • You can’t be a Catholic.

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