When Hate Goes Wrong

Mundabor’s present to Mr Geller

Every now and then, hatred backfires.

This time, it happened to a chap called Eric Geller, a cybersecurity journalist at Politico.

Mr Geller writes about cybersecurity, not about religion. As a Politico journalist, he had to be well aware of their policy about tweets. You would think that, this having to do with his job, he pays attention to it.

Well, er, no.

The corpse of Pope Benedict was not yet cold when this guy, blinded by hatred and virtue-signalling leftist zeal, wrote an extremely vile, libellous tweet about him. The tweet profile has (actually: had) his name and Politico affiliation all right.

Politico is not a conservative outlet, at all, and I suspect that virtue-signalling Mr Geller thought he could violate company policy with impunity because hey, shooting at a Pope is an activity nobody will question. Sadly for him, Politico’s standards are, for now, still higher than that.

It is, of course, not the first time these things happen. However, it seems to me that they normally happen to people who either are not educated enough to understand what they are doing (say: the rapper sending out the libellous tweet or YouTube video), or are so immersed in their world of political hate (because they work in it) that they don’t reflect that they are crossing a red line. This was was, however, a journalist for cybersecurity. You would think he can let Benedict rest in peace. Alas, he couldn’t.

This tells us the hate that pervades the mind of your average leftist in 2023. It’s not the writing of the tweet in itself that is shocking (a lot of people have such poison in their minds). It is the fact that, in this case, the hatred was such, that all inhibitions linked with doing something that you know could cost you the job failed to materialise!

Nor is this guy the fearless “freedom of speech activist”. Not at all. He deleted the tweet and admitted it was wrong. This clearly indicates that what was his undoing was, in fact, the boundless desire to look good showing his venom.

The end of the story: Mr Geller is now “freelancer”, meaning he is unemployed; nobody will remember, tomorrow, what his slander even was about; he got rid of a certainly very remunerative job, and Benedict does not care about the stuff that venomous cybersecurity journalists write of him.

A last consideration I would like to make before leaving you: what hides behind the man’s hatred? It is merely cheap vanity and desire to look good with your atheist friends? Or is Mr Geller – just thinking – a member of another, shall we say, tribe? Or is he, perhaps – just perhaps – afflicted by a horrible perversion that, once upon a time, was not even mentioned in polite society? Why would, otherwise, a cybersecurity journalists who knows his company has a Twitter/social media policy behave that way?

One has to pose himself the question, because the hatred that is on show here is quite remarkable. It’s either totally blinding vanity, or the devil at work in a more sinister way.

Enjoy your free time, Mr Geller.

Hopefully you’ll stay away from Twitter.

Posted on January 12, 2023, in Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. At least it is good to see Politico retains some standard of decency.

  2. Oops! He picked on someone who was just a bit more important than himself.

  3. I didn’t see the tweet. But I suspect you are right about the disproportionate hatred having a cause, and it being tribal. In some cultures and religions hatred of approved targets is carefully nurtured and encouraged, and emboldened by belief that tribal opinions are the only ones that count. Alas, every now and then there is a smackdown. Kind of like that Mexican church thief who fell on the sword of the St Michael statue he was trying to steal the other day. Ouch!