Kirsten Dunst: When The Obvious Makes Headlines

faggot detector


Kirsten Dunst recently gave the world the following piece of advice:

We all have to get our own jobs and make our own money, but staying at home, nurturing, being the mother, cooking – it’s a valuable thing my mum created. And sometimes, you need your knight in shining armour. I’m sorry. You need a man to be a man and a woman to be a woman. That’s why relationships work …”

Where I come from, such a phrase would have been greeted with expressions like the immortal “ma va?”, which is the Italian for “you don’t say?”.

And in fact, looking at it at face value, Kirsten Dunst has said something that might have won Platitude Of The Year award… if we lived in normal times. 

But we do not live in normal times. We live in times in which a small army of harpies and their emasculated manservants start making screeching noises everytime one states the obvious, because in their perverted mind the obvious is oppressive, patriarchal, or whatever.

This is what happens when you are nice to perverted bastards.

Perverted bastards will first play the victim with you to elicit your “inclusion”, and then will proceed to exclude you and all those who do not think like them from the discourse of civil society.

It is so in everything. gay parades becomes civil partnerships, which become marriage, which become a human right, which make of you a racist if you think they are damn perverts.

Or with “gender theory”, an outlandish delirium first, then somethign cool to write about, then something accepted, then imposed by pervert judges, and used to indoctrinate and pervert children.

We must stop this unspeakable crap of inclusiveness.  We must be utterly non-inclusive of perverts. Perversion must have no place in a Christian society, and no Christian is ever authorised to “include” it in absolutely anything. 

We are to the point when a platitude, an obvious fact of life like Kirsten Dunst’ statement makes wave. We must react before it’s too late and Big LGBT Brother tells our children what kind of “gay” porn they must be made to look at in the morning to grow more “inclusive”. We are already not far from that point, when children are exposed to sexual perversion in elementary school. It’s basically the same, with just some of the crassness taken away.

Thankfully, it appear Ms Dunst has got a lot of support.

But it must go much further than that. The times of “niceness” to every pervert must end. Perversion can’t be mainstream. Perversion is abomination in the eyes of the Lord, and gravely damaging to our children.


Let’s hope the Gaystapo elicit the right reaction more and more often. By their nature, they will become more and more oppressive of every freedom. Civil society will be tested. I trust it will win. Not immediately, and not without some harsh fight, but win it will.



Posted on April 16, 2014, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Every time I am asked to be more inclusive, it always means be less Catholic.

  2. The trend in American tv is moving from demanding that everyone accept homosexuals as being normal and natural to now also showing them actually doing homosexual things to each other (more than just a quick peck on the lips) and demanding that everyone accept that.

    (Now I have to spray my computer with Lysol because I type that.)

    • The increasingly more naked and obscene “gay” parades speak an eloquent language.
      At some point, these idiots will push things to the point where even the normal Joe Idiot will have to realise he has to protect his children and himself.
