Happy “I Wasn’t Aborted”-Day, Wendy Davis!

It makes sense that Wendy Davis should celebrate the day she was born. It is, in fact, a celebration of the brutal fact that she was not aborted.

Very pro-life, I would say.

But wait, isn't this the rabid pro-death (please let's stop the pro-choice rubbish) woman who made a talking marathon in Texas to, well, prevent countless babies from ever celebrating their birthday?

So, it seems Ms Davis is very much pro-like when it is about her own life, but can see countless others being deprived of what to her is so obviously and publicly worth of celebration: birth.

Happy “I wasn't aborted-day”, Ms Davis.

You certainly have wasted the gift made to you.


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Posted on May 17, 2014, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. It’s disgusting how this woman was touted as some sort of hero here in the states. Someone say a Rosary for her