The SSPX On The Kirchensteuer

If you click here  you should be directed to the March 2012 edition of the SSPX magazine for the German Speaking countries.  

Alas, I am not able to present only a part of it as I do not know how to cut .pdf documents, but if you slide down to page 40 there is a very interesting “special” concerning the Kirchensteuer, with a detailed instruction as to what to do and even ready declarations to give to your local priest.

Just as an aside, I notice the SSPX has prospered in Germany for decades now without one Pfennig (or Cent, as the case may be) of Kirchensteuer.

Why I do not agree with everything they write (they seem to mean the Kirchensteuer would be right if it was used correctly as everyone has the duty to contribute to the church’s maintenance; which is wrong or at least very badly expressed, as charity must not be imposed as a forced contribution, however good the intent) they provide the reader with a complete guide to the emancipation from the Kirchensteuer.

I suggest to my German readers they do proceed to the Austritt and give their donation money, if they feel this is the best use for it, in large part to the SSPX instead.


Posted on October 21, 2012, in Catholicism, FSSPX and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. I seem to recollect that some years ago SSPX sought to have a share of the tax. Perhaps someone might confirm or otherwise my memory.