Daily Archives: July 18, 2014

MH 17: Some Perspective




The planet is alight with newspaper articles, comments, tweets, Facebook posts and blog articles about the terrible tragedy of Flight MH17 over the Ukraine.

A terrible tragedy, for sure. I am sure you all have prayed for the victims, and may the Lord have mercy of their souls.

(No, they are not going to go to Paradise just because they met an untimely death. No, really…).

Perhaps it would be, though, useful to put such tragedy in its proper place.

1. No sensible man can doubt that the aeroplane has been taken down by mistake. Actually, occasions like this are, if you ask me, very good to tell people who think sensible from the usual conspiracy theorist; of which, there is no doubt, there will be an awful lot around before the sun has risen again. (There are people who think Jews are behind 9/11. The mother of the idiot is always pregnant. But I digress…).

As I was saying, reasonable men will, today, all say that this has been a very tragic mistake. Terrible as the loss of life is, there is still a difference before the involuntary killing and the willed murdering of hundreds of innocent people.

2. 298 dead is around the number of a couple of major Boko Haram actions in some village in, say, Nigeria. Village, alas, not exposed to twitter and Facebook, and in which the Buggers Broadcasting Communism have no great interest. Those people are, though, all intentionally murdered, in cold blood, by people moved by blind religious fanaticism and the purest, most evil blood lust. They seem to be, almost invariably, Muslims. Or you could compare with the numbers of people (not only Christians) massacred by ISIS in Iraq and Syria; or by Islamist fanatics in Libya and Egypt only in the last two years. I assure you, in this perspective, 300 is not an impressive numbers.

It seems to me that the Buggers Broadcasting Communism – and most of the others – not only look at massacres as they would a field of wheat (=wondering what the harvest will be), but clearly prefer those tragedies in which not only the media impact is assured, but some enemies of them (here: Mr Putin) can be accused. There is no clear evidence of Russian involvement, but the BBC et al. are all full of condemnations coming from all over the planet; this morning I have even read a proposal to (further) sanction the Russians if they have provided the weapons to the rebels. Which, ipso facto, makes the West liable to auto-sanctions for almost all the major African conflicts and civil wars of the last 50 years.

The hypocrisy is mind-boggling.

Now let me make a thing or two clear: if Putin has given such weapons to the rebels (which I personally doubt, seen the level or expertise, technology and costs involved), he did it so that they can take down military aeroplanes, that is: legitimate military targets; something which, by the way, has been happening regularly in the last weeks with far less sophisticated weaponry (the shoulder-carried “manpads”). The same is, of course, true of the other side, which had announced only days ago a massive deployment of “Gadfly” missiles, and one wonders how well trained their personnel is.

A terrible tragedy, no doubt.

But in the end: a mistake.

Let us not confuse with the countless Christians (and not only Christians) butchered with a very clear criminal intent from Muslim fanatics, in cold blood, whilst the BBC et al entertain us with the evil Putin.




Slum Pleasures

Mundabor's Blog

I have received, and published already, the following comment:

This Francis fool was the perfect candidate to weaken Papacy to the point of irrelevance, I visited Argentina 2 years ago, when I was working for a russian news agency and visited some slums in Buenos Aires to cover the work of the “curas villeros” (slum priests) in the many shanty towns of the capital, I was shocked to see that practically all those priests had concubines and had sons with them, other were openly homosexual or had transexual partners and everyone knew about this!I talked with people from the slums and asked them what did they think about this? their answers were basically the same: “it’s ok, they love each other, they harm nobody” I also talked with more cultured (and minoritarian) sectors of the catholic church in Buenos Aires who were infuriated by the situation but they were unable…

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Logic, Francis Style

This was in my spam folder (meaning: the author has already showed me he wasn’t born an eagle): 

We are not to judge. We are to point out wrongs and sins I am not a saint. As a Catholic Christian, I believe Jesus will judge all. On abortion, I think it is murder.

“We are not to judge” and “abortion is murder” (which means: all those who commit abortion commit a murder, and all those who help them abort are accomplices in a murder) in the same phrase.

We live in an age of astonishing stupidity. 

Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. (John 7:24)
