Daily Archives: July 1, 2014

Who Are We To Judge (Reblog)

Woman marries… herself.


Dusk At The End Of The Tunnel

The perverts are among us.

And it came to pass the Dyke- and Liberal-plagued Supreme Court of the US ruled that if a company is “closely held” (which means that a maximum of 5 individuals control 50% of the shares) it does not have to comply with the contraception mandate.

I am awaiting further news, but I would say this is a lot of companies, not necessarily small (some, in fact, might well be very big). Good news, and actually the freshest breath of air I could draw in many months.

But I wonder whether this is not merely a blip, a short pause in the relentless assault of the Gaystapo to our freedoms and, more importantly, to Christianity.

This is, if I understand correctly, a 5-4 decision in a court already employing, for life, a scandalous dyke. What did not happen in 2014 could, then, well happen in 2024, or even in 2019. Actually, it could happen rather easily as long as the US electorate keeps giving to itself every four years the choice between a 100% cretin and his best imitator.

This time we got 5-4 lucky, at least in this matter, but unless there is a reverse in this damn “who am I to judge”-mentality and the Catholic clergy starts to bite already, it is only a matter of time until the tsunami of the heathenish,ignorant feel-good masses submerges everything on its way.

The battle is, first and foremost, a religious and cultural one. Without the deterioration of Christianity in the US in the last fifty years the contraception mandate would be unthinkable, as even those who are not Christian would share a set of value in the light of which they live and understand their own freedoms. Not so in a Country which sends a dyke to the Supreme Court, and perverts are allowed to “celebrate” their own perversion in the lewdest of ways (they are perverts, so what else can you expect?) without any problem from the public authorities or the police.

In order to effectively fight this battle, we need a hierarchy made of people who believe in God and are afraid of Judgment. It is obvious to me, from countless examples of their behaviour, that too many of our Bishops and Cardinals, starting from Mr “who am I to judge” himself, do not do either. To them, the clerical habit means a job for life, a life of privileges, and a huge stroke to their ego. They will, like Pope Leo X, “enjoy it” while it lasts. What happens after them – in 20, or 30, or 50 years – obviously does not concern them in the least. When they're gone they're gone, they think. So: stuff the church and the let me enjoy the limelight, or at least my quiet life of privileges.

The trumpet is calling the troops to surrender. It's not easy to fight in these conditions.

When will this end? It will end, I think, when the Lord in his Justice decides that we have been punished enough for the insolence started in the Sixties, both from the laity who think they knew better and from the clergy who wanted to be their “friend”.

From where I stand, I see this insolence increasing within the Hierarchy, growing by leaps and bounds as the stupid headlines of last year become the Catechism Of Mercy of this year. With ugly regularity, bishops and Cardinals try to outdo each other in a mad race of Modernism, all of them regularly quoting Francis as their “”inspiration”.

The Instrumentum released in preparation of the October Synod contains phrases of open, proudly shouted Modernism; a Modernism that is now not even concealed, but dares to show itself in the open, fuelled by the many cretinous statements of a Pope so much in love with himself that he will not even stop three seconds to think of the implications of what he is about to say.

Do not think, therefore, that the good news from Washington is the beginning of a new phase. The Catholic hierarchy is still shooting at the Catholic troops, shelling them with their Modernist cannons like it's 1915.

As long as the hierarchy is so obviously making the work of the Devil, our efforts will be meritorious – and certainly a duty of every sincere Catholic – but they will not be able to stem the tide of madness. Things will only begin to change when the Lords causes good and sincere shepherds to get in the positions of influence replacing the atheist, prostituted generation of the Nicholses, the Dolans and the Bergoglios.

This 5-4 ruling is, in fact, no more than dusk that can be seen at the end of the tunnel. But in the times we are living, I'll be happy with whatever light I get.




The Ape-Friendly Homos And The Obese Gorilla

Spot the red hat

Father Z reports of the ways rich perverts give grants to – get ready for this – Catholic institutions to promote their perverted agenda within the Church. All this is done under the sun, and in tax-efficient way.

One is not surprised at the extent of such evil: sexual perversion is evil, and it is fully illusory to believe that when Satan has got hold of a soul to the point of making her desire what is most disgusting, he will not try to push these souls more and more deep into a cesspool of hatred of Good, and open war to it.

What one, though, asks oneself is the following:

1. How much does the local hierarchy know of this? Or better said: how can they claim they do not know about this? Any trust or entity under the supervision of the Diocese must surely have yearly reports of their ins and out, regularly scrutinised by their supervisors. Every University must, surely, be subject to the diocese's scrutiny if it wants to carry a link to the Church in her name? We are not talking of pocket money here, but of substantial amounts which, being the objects of tax records, must certainly make it possible to trace their movements and ascertain their destination, to the last cent.

2. One reads such news and wonders to what astonishing degree of incompetence and cowardice the Church in the West must have sunk, if perverts even think it possible to undermine it by openly giving fodder to the enemies inside of her. If our prelates did their job in a halfway acceptable way, the Gorilla-friendly Homos would at least fight their satanical battle from the outside. As it is, they are indirectly told: “welcome! Help us lose souls! Can you spare some change, Gov?”

But then one reflects that this a country where a leading member of the hierarchy has the courage, in one of the rare moments in which he is not eating, to shout “Bravo” to someone not only outing his sexual perversion, but endorsing a sodomitical – and his sodomitical – lifestyle.

I therefore wonder who is worse: the homo Apes undemining Catholic teaching, or the obese Gorilla doing exactly the same, under his red hat.
