Fighting As they Can: The Prayer To St. Michael The Archangel

Father Z has an interesting mail from a reader whose old priest encouraged the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel after Mass, whilst the new man dismisses the thing as “part of some ultra-conservative agenda”. 

I can relate to this as I know a parish where exactly that has happened (the prayer used to be said, and now isn’t), albeit the new man does not appear to be less conservative, rather more afraid of his bishop. 

There can be no denying that the prayer to St Michael is radically catholic and, as such, unacceptable to NuChurch. People who recite it must say words like “battle”, “wickedness”, “devil”, “host”, “hell”, “satan”, “ruin of souls” to mention only some parts.

A pagan priest in Francis’ style does not want you to think even for a moment of yourself as engaged in a war, rather in a “dialogue”. He does not like to speak of “wickedness”, much less the one of the devil: he prefers to address the supposed injustices and inequalities in this life. He dares to hope (and is, actually, rather persuaded of that) that hell is empty of human souls, if hell exists at all. He rejects the very concept of “ruin of souls” as referred to the sin of his sheep (adultery, fornication, sodomy), and if something like that must be admitted he prefers to mention it in connection with bankers, oil men, and managers of mining companies.


There can be no doubt that the very invitation to recite such a prayer – nay, the very teaching of it, as the prayer must be, nowadays, taught to your parishioners – is a clear indication of the priest’s desire to engage in exactly that battle the “Francispriest” wants you to forget. In my experience, there are still an awful lot of priests around – Novus Ordo priests, I mean – who have sincere fear of the Lord and interest in the salvation of the souls entrusted to them. But being smart, they recognise that their biggest – or one of their biggest – obstacles lies not in the secular world around them, but in the bishop above them. The prayer to St Michael is one of the ways of calling the souls to arms whilst remaining within the narrow confines of what the bishop considers acceptable, or would not have the nerve to officially discourage. Again, I see this happening – in my frequent Novus Ordo exploration trips – fairly often: a testament, I think, of the good will of many priests, and of the bad will of a couple of bishops. 

How to help the good priest in his work? By praying not only for him and for the poor, trampled Church, but also by praying the Prayer to St. Michael with renewed zeal. I recite the prayer every day I see obvious dykes or faggots in the street, which in the modern cesspool known as London is an all but infrequent experience. 

Good priests are helped by praying, as is prayer in general.

The more NuChurch does not want us to pray, the more we do.



Posted on April 22, 2015, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. The fact that the requirement that the prayer to St. Michael after Mass was dropped by Vatican II summarises all that was wrong with the Council – let’s drop one of our major spiritual defences and all is bound to go well! What a hope!

  2. Angels are passe in the Church of Now anyway, except as jewelry pins. Besides you’ve got to be uncomfortable with a prayer that calls for the hell casting of those who “prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls” when you know, deep down, that you are one of the prowlers.

  3. Dear Mr. Mundabor,

    I have read the homily on which your earlier post today was based, but wish to comment under this post if I may.

    Worse even than what you have described in its contempt for received tradition and articles of faith, that homily reads to me as an incitement to abandon what we know as Catholicism and to view tradition and articles of faith as things that are “closed, closed”.

    For the love of God, how is it that such outrageous, feckless and irresponsible preaching can be reported without broader challenge or even comment?

    Does this man have some kind of mesmeric hold – unimaginable certainly to this writer who finds him repellent – on the vast majority of those who listen to him? To the extent that the heterodoxies he preaches are widely accepted, recorded and then quoted back to faithful Catholics as a means to rebuke and mock them?

    Our Lady, Star of the Sea, pray for us trying to stay the course. St. Michael the Archangel, defend us from the vast darkness encroaching on our efforts. Amen.

    • Look at the bright side.

      I suspect the Pope utters unspeakable blasphemy and few besides the Vatican news site reports them, because every retarded cat by now knows Francis is nothing to do with Catholicism.


  4. Blessed Michael, the Archangel needs some reeducation in the new creed of never-ending “dialogue” and non-judgment, and therefore non-adherence to the content of the Faith, or rather, denial of any content of the Faith.

  5. The removal of the St. Michael prayer (and so many others) is truly frightening and has certainly had its effect. The past 50 years of its absence proves the simple truth of Sacred Scripture in the Epistle of St. James: “You have not because you ask not.”

  6. The Church now is in crisis. We have to pray that all good cardinals, bishops, priests and lay people must get together denouncing and charging Pope Francis as a heretic before it’s too late, before the October Synod. If we don’t act right now the Church will be disintegrated and many souls would be lost forever. St. Michael defend us in battle.

    • The Church will never be disintegrated, because the Church is indefectible.

      Whilst I agree with you that huge troubles would follow if Francis pushes the nuclear button, you do not need to be concerned about the survival of the Church.

      Which, frankly, is the greatest solace in these troubled times.
