There Are No Illegals In Heaven.

He wasn't impressed by all those people wanting to be let in...

There are no illegals in heaven.

No one can hope to get in by occupying tunnels, or impressing the emotional and the slow-witted.

The Authorities of the place are very strict. They are not fooled by rhetoric and emotional appeals.

You can show St Peter as many video as you want of the suffering of those who are outside of the Pearly Gates. Outside they will remain. Entrance is decided strictly according to the will of the Heavenly Government, and the laws of the place. No one, not one single one, is allowed to cheat his way in. No, ma'am, not even you. No, really.

Sorry, Bleeding Heart Journo. You see the man with the keys? He is not impressed.

One day, we will – each one of us – ask for admission. An admission to which we have no right, but of which it has been promised to us that it will not be denied to us, if we have the requisites. The requisites will be measured generously, more generously than we deserve. But they will have to be there. Crucially, unless we have fairly valid reasons why we should get in, and the Authorities decide that we should be granted admission, we will stay out. If we have a place and valid reason to stay in, we will be let in. If we are just trying to smuggle our way simply because to us the place is paradise, we will be left out, and good luck with the whining.

Let us repeat the concept again: if we have no place being in, we will definitively stay out.

If we are Muslims, we will stay out in huge numbers.

Yes, you heard me well. You can switch off the camera now.

There is something you must know.

There are no illegals in heaven.



Posted on September 14, 2015, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on There Are No Illegals In Heaven..

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