Asking For Mercy

The Year of False Mercy begins today.

Yours Truly profits from the occasion to ask the Lord that He may, in His mercy, free us from this Pontificate.

We do not deserve such mercy, of course.

But how merciful it would be!


Posted on December 8, 2015, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 11 Comments.

  1. How merciful it would be if everyone signed a petition on The Remnant calling for Pope Francis to start being a true Holy Father or resign!

  2. The most merciful thing Pope Francis could do is resign. Please consider signing the petition calling for his resignation.

  3. The reading for today’s Dom Granger’s, “The Liturgical Year,” include a excerpt (hymn) from an ancient French-Roman Missal:

    Him so severe in judgment,
    so merciful in power

    but of course, Tradition treats of the whole Christ, not a Christ opposed to Himself as the way Franciscus and the modernists treat of Him.

    Jesus is both Law and Love and to speak of Him as only love is to be half-assed in the Faith and such a half-assed approach is mendaciously malign and leads men astray.

  4. Related Petition:

    Urgent Appeal for Pope Francis to either Change his Course or Renounce the Petrine Office:

  5. Another petition asking the Pope to either change his ways or resign:

    The authors of the petition are ‘heavy hitter’ Traditional Catholics

  6. Yes, indeed. . . I ask the Lord daily, sometimes more than once, to deliver us from this evil, un-Catholic Pope as well as from his cohorts of enablers and sychophants. May the Good Lord hear and answer our prayers ASAP!

    God bless!

  7. This is a must-to-read… and sign:

    “New From Remnant TV…Year of Mercy Kick-Off: Time for Francis to Step Down?”:

    “The Year of Mercy Begins—An Urgent Appeal to Pope Francis to Either Change Course or Renounce the Petrine Office”:

  8. He just opened the holy doors. U suppose he could be the fallen star of Rev 9:1 and just opened the door to the bottomless pit? The star signifies apostasy (of learned men from the Christian faith says Haydock and that the angel opens the door), but I think Fr. Miceli in The Antichrist says it’s the man who has the key who opens the door. The locusts who come out are given power. Might get ugly.

  1. Pingback: Year of False Mercy, Hell, and you | non veni pacem