Liber Accusationis “With Burning Concern”: Matt, Ferrara, Vennari Publish Open Accusation Against Francis



Part I published simultaneously on Catholic Family News and The Remnant. Part II and Part III will follow in the very next days.  

“With Burning Concern”, the title of the document, is the English translation of the German Mit Brennender Sorge, Pius XI’s encyclical (actually written by Eugenio Pacelli, the future Pastor Angelicus) against the Nazi regime. And in fact, Francis is being more devastating for Catholicism than Hitler was. 

Please post/email/link to this document everywhere you can! Let it spread like wildfire!

As I was reading it, it was like every new breaths of. Refreshing, invigorating, exhilarating!

It is beautiful to know that as we all die and go into the ground, our struggle for the defence of Truth will live on and will be remembered by others, who will carry it out and remind the faithful of the public opposition of the laity since the time of Francis.  

Let this mess continue for as long as God pleases. Let those disgraceful bishops and cardinals damn themselves as surely as they like. Let Francis II, Francis III and Francis IV, if our sins are so big, ravage the Church as much as they can.

Truth will never die. In His Mercy, the Lord will take care that there are always voices who speak in its defence, no matter how many bishops stay silent.

Let every bastard  – of whom God has, in His justice, so disposed – rot in hell.  

But you, you will stay faithful to your last breath. 



Posted on September 21, 2016, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Vatican II wished to hear the voice of the laity. Now they have their opportunity in all it’s truth and corresponding unpleasantness. How ironic.

  2. ilovevictoriasbows

    As with liberals in media and favored liberal academic studies ‘professors’, Francis is of a lightweight intellectual capacity with a narcissistic personality which allows him to assume in all his “humility” that he can change anything with the stroke of a pen. Amazing that we have one of those in the US at exactly the same time.