Why I Am Not Surprised?

The judge in Alfie Evan’s Case is a activist homosexual

I wonder why the press never mention such details. It is as if they considered such things irrelevant. Well, no, they aren’t. People of “that parish” will obviously have a very strong interest in undermining Christian morality in all its aspects, including the sanctity of life. It is perfectly reasonable to think that they will, in a matter like this, decide against every principle of Christian piety.

It reminds me of the Californian judge who, even more absurdly, decided that the prohibition of so-called same-sex marriage was unconstitutional, and was a homosexual himself. He never thought of recusing himself, nor was the fact found worthy of recusal by most commenters. It beggars belief.

Satan is eating Britain for breakfast.

No one seems to care.


Posted on April 28, 2018, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. God will deal with all evil matters as He told us. Don’t worry.

  2. Here’s an interesting snippet from the February hearing:
    Evans listed the 10 Commandments and reminded the court that ‘thou shalt not kill’. He then asked the doctor: “Do you believe in God?”
    She replied: “I don’t think it’s relevant.”
    Mr Justice Anthony Hayden, hearing the case, interjected: “I’m not going to let her be tested on the catechism.”
    Of course a homosexualist and alleged Freemason (judges no longer have to declare membership) is not going to want the Catechism discussed in his court.

  3. sixlittlerabbits

    Right on, Mundabor. The CEO of one of the companies selling fetal parts is a militant lesbian.

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