Met Gala Shows The Deformity Of The V II Clergy


Lots of cheese at McDonald’s…


What happened at the Met Gala at the beginning of the week is an alarming signal of how badly things have decayed within the Church. 

  1. The fact that Cardinal Ravasi & Co. did not hesitate to lend Catholic articles for a mini-exhibit shows, even assuming their orthodoxy, the stupidity of these people. The gala was, and is supposed to be, a show of everything that is wrong and stupid in the modern world. It’s a “fashion show” for scandalous  “celebrities”, you cretins! What did you expect?  What is next, the exhibition of Catholic memorabilia at a “gay parade”? These people really do not know anymore what Catholicism is!
  2. The presence of the likes of Cardinal Dolan at the event shows, once again, the desire of these people to mix with and be seen by the wrong crowd, and I mean the wrongest possible crowd. Only a Pollyanna on steroids could think that they were there to convert. They were there to be converted. Actually, they were there to show that they already are. 
  3. The event also saw, unsurprisingly, the presence of Father Martin, aka “Georgina”. How are Cardinals like Dolan and Ravasi not able to keep undesirables out of an event they are helping to succeed with such a massive favour as an entire exhibition? Answer: because they are just not interested in doing it. Actually, they revel in the idea that the heathens they worship will see them as “open minded” and “tolerant”. 
  4. Neither Dolan nor Ravasi can claim that they actually did not know that the gala would become a mockery of Catholicism, reduced to object of fun or outright mockery for rich atheists and curvy bimbos. They actually had to know, because they frequent those people often enough. The brutal truth is that they are so desensitized to everything Catholic that they possibly even found it fun. Cardinal Dolan, whose sheer lack of intelligence and decency antennae is quite alarming at this point, keeps trying to crack jokes about it.
  5. The entire spectacle was so shameless, that even Piers Morgan was scandalised.  (Caution: Link to Daily Mail!). And Dolan keeps trying to be funny!? Really, how bad have things become? 

It is time for us bloggers, and for journalists, and for commenters to start saying loud and clear that people like Dolan and Ravasi have no business wearing a thabit at all, much less the Red Hat. They should not be allowed to be I do not say Cardinals or Bishops, but priests in the local parish; because they are so totally sold to the world that it is unjust to inflict them on any community of Catholics.

When Piers Morgan must teach you the basics of Catholic decency, you know it’s time to apply at McDonald’s and finally give a contribution to society.   


Posted on May 10, 2018, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. It was a blasphemy-fest. It was breathtaking in its moral squalor. Dolan, Gänswein, Ravasi and all who enabled and promoted this soul-molesting toxic waste should be defrocked.

  2. Your last line is excellent. But I am so disgusted right now that it almost seems an understatement. Were I not so used to these offensive people I would cry.

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