US: Time To Let Bad Parishes And Dioceses Starve.

The interventions of various US Bishops against enforcement of existing, perfectly reasonable laws, constantly practiced in the history of Christianity is a very clear sign of the decay of religious values in the West at large, and of the loss of faith of Catholic clergy more in particular.

It is as if your priest would suddenly tell you that it is Unchristian to keep your door locked, and refuse entry to whoever wants to squat inside, because you are not hospitable and yadda yadda.

It is not only that common sense and logic have failed here. It is, more worryingly, that at least a portion of the Catholic audience does not find the bishops ‘ talk scandalous drivel. In a solidly Catholic or Christian country, bishops would not talk in this way, as their sheep would show them very fast how to be Catholic, or at least Christian. There is, in fact, no notable immigration activism among the clergy of, say, Poland or Hungary, let alone Russia. Where there is solid faith, there is no third-worldist socialist drivel.

Therefore, whilst I despise the little prostitutes of the US dioceses, chasing the business of immigration support and an easy popularity among their non instructed (by the bishop themselves) sheep, I have no symphaty for those who allow this to happen, either: the pewsitter who, instead of having their bishop know that he is an enemy of Christianity and not one cent will be forthcoming, choose to accept – even when they disagree – that their bishops play social justice warriors, as if this were something you expect from the man in the purple habit.

It is reliably believed that Trump got more than 50% of the Catholic vote in the US. This 50% should make itself heard very loud and refuse to give one single cent to any parish with even a whiff of SJW disease in it, and certainly not one cent to any diocese even remotely supporting this illegality nonsense.

It is sad to say this, but nowadays an awful lot of bishops are a deadly cocktail of political attitude, social justice activism, atheism, prostitution, reprobation and vanity, with Christ very low in the priority list, if He is present at all for other purposes than to cover a one world agenda.

Punish the Judases and their priests. Let them starve and sink into oblivion and irrelevance until sanity returns.

You are not required to finance the shills of the Democratic Party.

Posted on June 19, 2018, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. You would have fired me up with this blog if I were not already fired up by what was in our TLM bulletin a couple of weeks ago about this Vatican II bunch of reprobates: the only fruits of the reform are growth in Eucharistic ministers, permanent deacons, and annulments (none of which the Church needs); and 70% of RCIA “graduates” leave the Church within one year.
    That was on page two. Page three gave these statistics comparing the beliefs of TLM (Latin Mass goers) and your bishops’ preferred Novus Ordo attendees: Contraception not permissible: TLM 98%, NO 13%. Abortion not permissible: TLM 98%, NO 53%. Mass attendance: TLM 99%, NO 23%. Marriage one man one woman: TLM 99%, 33%.
    IF NO (Novus Ordo) Catholics even bother to attend Mass, chances are great that they will be giving the Sign of Peace to contracepting, aborting, divorced, and/or sodomite fellow pew sitters. Are they going to be bothered by immigration policies of their bishops on top of these anti-Catholic views? Let them starve.

  2. tmsharel, They ARE the fruits of the reform. Guy Mcclung, Texas

  3. Time? WAY past time. RE the 70% RCIA recidivism: it’s obvious – the converts converted because they were (spiritually) starving, and instead of bread the Conciliar Church feeds them stones.

  4. It is sad to say this, but nowadays an awful lot of bishops are a deadly cocktail of political attitude, social justice activism, atheism, prostitution, reprobation and vanity, with Christ very low in the priority list, if He is present at all for other purposes than to cover a one world agenda.
    These bishops will serve the Antichrist, as will the rest of “Industrialized Christianity,” Catholic and otherwise.

  5. We’re also not required to finance the shills of a Catholic Church that gets federal money for each “immigrant” – i.e. invader – they get control over. The Archdiocese of New York has paid out more than $40 million to child abuse victims and yet Cardinal Dolan has the hutzpah to talk about the mistreatment of children who are separated from the adults accompanying them. Who are these adults? Are they indeed the parents or are they criminals involved in trafficking children across the border to become prostitutes in the U.S. sex industry. Gee, you think Dolan would want to know that, wouldn’t you? Not he, not our big fat tub of lard. Dolan doesn’t give a flying fig for who are accompanying these kids as long the ch-ching of money keeps coming into the Church’s coffers. After all, the Church needs to get money from somewhere to pay off the victims of their own in-house predators.
    The joke here is that the Church has a “zero-tolerance” policy towards anyone who works with children in their schools – teachers/custodians/even volunteers have to undergo a background check – fingerprints included – along with 3 reference letters from members of the community – before they can come near a child on Church property. Yet this “zero tolerance” Church turns a blind eye to adults we know nothing about taking kids across our borders and disappearing into the interior of our country never to be heard from again. Are the kids being released to human smugglers? Who knows? Who cares? The important thing is that there’s gold in them thar kids! And when the abuse of these kids come to light you can be sure that Trump will get the blame for allowing it to happen.

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