Monthly Archives: December 2018

Venite Adoremus Dominum

Coventry Carol

Shepherd’s Pipe Carol

Nativity Carol

What Sweeter Music

Good King Wenceslas

Satanical Delusions

If you have any doubt about what pieces of shit these homosexualists are, look no further than Colorado, when the heroic Jack Phillips. a man who has been persecuted for six years now for not wanting to bake absurd sodomy celebration cakes, is being sued *again* for refusing to bake a case “celebrating” what one of these utterly mad people call “transition” from a dog to a cat, or from a rabbit to an oak, or from a male to a female, something like that but I don’t even want to know the detail.

Every pervert can go to any supermarket and buy a cake to “celebrate” whatever he wants to “celebrate” before the probable, ultimate end of the “celebration”: suicide.

I for myself can guarantee to you that, in my entire life, I never had a cake baked according to my wishes and never got any trauma for that at all. Heck, it one looks for long enough, one can certainly find a baker as perverted as oneself, ready to make for him all the cakes that are desired.

But you see, it is clearly not about the cake. It is about the desire of these people to ram down your throat the acceptance of their satanical delusions.

Thank God for courageous people like Mr Phillips. If he i snot a Catholic, I hope he dies one and in all cases, I have no doubts that he is earning a huge amount of brownie points, collaborating with God’s grace in the fight for, well, nothing more than sanity.


Away In A Manger

The Kindle And The Log

I have not written a lot about the SSPX in the last months, simply because there was not much to write about. The position of the SSPX has been known for a while: they will talk to the Pope – to any Pope, and be a disgraceful one like the Evil Clown – and they will explore possible ways of reconciliation if this can be done without endangering their Catholic integrity and factual autonomy in the face of open heresy.

We all know that the latest round of talk also led to nothing; but many, like me, think that already the talking wasn’t a bad thing, as it shows to the entire Catholic world that the undisputed champions of proper Catholicism do not create their own mini-me “church” and keep the flag of Catholicism high without any Schismatic approach or, worse, direct or indirect Sedevacantist fantasy.

Much as I like the SSPX, and trust them entirely, a little part of me wished – and still wishes – a more confrontational approach to the filth now reigning in the Vatican. I am aware that the SSPX cannot be expected to behave like enraged bloggers; but I would have wished more at least in term of turning up the volume.

The Remnant’ s report about the interview with Fr Pagliarani, the new Superior General of the SSPX, seems to show that things are going in the right direction, as I seem to detect in Father Pagliarani a more muscular tone than the one observed in his predecessor.

It would be wrong to assume, or to hope, that the SSPX will now start using the tones to which this humble effort has accustomed you. There is a place for bloggers and one for religious orders. However, I think that in the next months, as Father Pagliarani develops his own brand of strategy, we will see a little less diplomacy and some more frankness.

The resistance to Francis, and to Vatican II, can and should take many forms: more aggressive in some private blogs, more diplomatic in official organisations. The two approaches integrate each other, as the common pewsitter can better appreciate the fine point of diplomacy once he has, to his great relief, become aware that a lot of people are just as angry as he is. We are the kinde that makes the obvious flames in the fireplace, the SSPX is the great log that keeps a steady fire burning.

The Lord works in His own ways. He is probably using wretched sinners and holy priests for the same aim right now.


Dormi Jesu

Good Riddance, Weekly Standard

The prominent nevertrumper rag, The Weekly Standard, has finally gone from “failing” to “failed”, and not a day too soon.

Whilst the entire MSM apparatus is suffering, damaged by the growing desire of the readership to actually not be manipulated into doing the bidding of a bunch of cuckolds interested only in looking good in their own social circle, the obvious betrayal of everything that is decent cost the Weekly Standard their own hide.

Make no mistake: the most prominent faces associated with the rag, like the insufferable Bill Kristol, will keep prospering as they sell themselves to leftist outlets to play the part of the “conservative”. However, their “conservative ” credentials will be greatly damaged by their utter failure at being taken seriously by those who are conservative in actual fact.

Kristol & Co. are all part of that universe of sanctimonious Judases I hate more than I do hardline Liberals. Every reverse they have is good for the conservative and, more specifically, Christian values they so obviously ignore, or even despise, even as they pretend to care for them.

The betrayal of 2016, in such a delicate moment, is one from which there can be no recovery and no redemption. It is totally unacceptable to stab the Country in the back and then claim, at some after the stabbing, to have seen the light. It is as if Benedict Arnold would be allowed to join the United States again after Yorktown.

Good riddance, Weekly Standard.

I hope the “Blaze” follows you in the grave soon.


The First Nowell

Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day

Candlelight Carol

Oh Du Froehliche

All Bells In Paradise

Allah U Every Damn Time

And it came to pass the attack in Strasbourg was motivated by Islamic fanatism. Religion of peace, and all that.

I trust that the normal people, the common men and women who care for their children, will slowly understand what is happening and will, at some point, draw the consequences.

What I am more uncertain of is how much blood will have to be spilled before, and after, this realisation.

To help you in your reflections, I copy below some thoughtful verses from Rudyard Kipling, The Wrath Of The Awakened Saxon. It is muscularly beautiful, and I find it very apposite. Mind that some texts have English instead of Saxon. The meaning is the same.


It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

Bianco Natale

Strasbourg And The Multicultural Mess

The information is still fragmentary on the Strasbourg shooting spree. Therefore, the attacker might not have a link to the (don’t laugh) “religion of peace”. However, the attacker has a name that sounds rather Arab to these ears. We shall see.

The fact is, though, that before the massive influx of the followers of a certain Violent Paedophile these things did not happen. Christmas Markets, which were not called “holiday markets” yet, were peaceful affairs and considered just part of the social fabric.

Now we have multiculturalism, which means that we have very expensive security measures to allow Europeans to live their lives the European way. These measures are also insufficient, as the attacker in Strasbourg was allegedly able to get past them before firing his shots.

The attacker may or may not have an Islamic motive. But one would have to be blind not to notice how the entire fabric of Europe is being changed, slowly deformed into a tragically botched experiment in multicultural utopia.

Europe needs to go back to being European; which means, in its matrix, Christian.

Unless we recognise Christianity as our common cultural matrix, to be respected – if not worshipped – by everyone, we will keep sliding into a bigger and bigger multicultural mess. And yes, the attacker with a very foreign sounding name was, in fact, born in Strasbourg.

The sins of the politicians of yesteryear are being paid by the citizen of today, and very fittingly so.


Faith Of Our Fathers

A Tale Of Two Cities

Macron thinks he is this guy… 

I know the title is banal and abused, but it is also irresistible. I could have written “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair…”, but that would have been even more banal… Still, it seems so pertinent….

Dickens or no Dickens, the facts on the table are simple: as Paris burns (see what I am doing here?) Rome celebrates sanity.   

We see here the simple difference between power used for the people, and power abused by a wannabe elitist minority, led by a pervert married to a child abuser, and directed against the people. 

Now, I do not condone violence, vandalism, etc. But if you know Europe you know this is the way the French convey the message that they are angry. Their vandalism is not justified, their anger is. Macron’s fuel tax rise amidst the usual global warming fantasies was just the (massive) straw that broke this particular camel’s back.

It is not only that the man is incompetent. The root of the problem is that he is totally detached from the problems of the real people, who get up in the morning and go to work, and worships at the altar of the globalist and environmental gods. This new religion is the one to which everyone in his circle belongs, and against which no one would dare to apostatise. Perhaps, until the entire Country explodes. 

I do not pity the French. They have elected Macron, and they will now suffer everything that there is to suffer, and it serves them right, until the violence has become sufficient to (possibly) force a partial return to sanity. But the contrast with Rome is still brutal. 

Democracies aren’t perfect. They are pretty dumb. They encourage alliances of the have nots against the haves. They are often the triumph of the minimum common denominator. They tend to elect mediocre politicians exactly reflecting the mediocrity of the average elector. They are easily manipulated by the media, which force feed the ignorant, the dumb and the evil with their own mantras of anti-Christian ideas, from so-called “marriage equality” to the very concept of “hate speech” to, of course, EnvironMentalism. They are very slow in correcting the course even when it is evident that it is wrong.

But at some point, the breaking point is always reached. We are seeing this in Germany and Sweden, in Austria and in Italy, in Hungary and in Poland. We are seeing it, now, even in France; a Country which elected an anti-Trump granny-lover after Trump’s election.

 You elect a man with a rotten brain, what you get is rotten politics. 

I do not know what will happen now. It is clear to me that Macron can’t continue with his unprecedented waves of arrests, because he can’t play Schutzstaffel for very long. He will have to yield in some way, and will probably try to cheat in that, too. Still, the toy is broken now, and his presidency will be remembered for the gilet jaunes; the product, by the way, of another stupid French Nazi Nanny idea (the obligation to have a yellow security vest in your car; because you know, it used to be that people who got a tire punctured used to be killed in droves…). 

Macron’s presidency is now irretrievably ruined. He will never really recover from this. He is now the Pope Francis of French Presidents. 

Democracies are slow, half asleep, and pretty stupid.

But they wake up in the end.  


God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen

The Inconvenient Host

Francischurch truly is something. 

An accidentally dropped Host is recovered and handled in the proper way, after which it appears that… it starts to bleed. 


We will never know.  A potentially bleeding host is an inconvenience for the Diocese of Buffalo, awakening the possibility, frightening to them, that there might be a God after all, and that He may have targeted Francisbishops like Bishop Malone and his auxiliary, Bishop Grosz. 

The linked article states that the priest witnessing the potential miracle, Father Loeb, promptly informed both Malone and Grosz, and that both told him to get rid of the  Inconvenient Host. It truly is the stuff of nightmares. 

The linked article has two pictures of the host, by the way disposing of the fantasy that the host was “dissolved”. I do not claim to know what has happened from two pictures, but it seems to me we can safely exclude that they might be the result of manipulations from Father Loeb. In sane times, an investigation would have been in order.  In the insane times we are living, the possibility of a miracle is a distraction from social justice, global warming, inequality and all the other FrancisCults currently being followed. 

I wonder how much an investigation would have cost. Not much, I am sure. But I also wonder what signal this would have sent to the faithful out there: that Christ might have chosen one of the most notorious dioceses in the Country to send a message that He is among us, in the midst of troubles, and with many losing faith.

I do not think that faith should ever be based on miracles. But there can be no doubt that the proper investigation of potential miracles is due not only to their potential Maker, but to all those faithful who could find their faith revived and invigorated by them. 

The message that this episode leaves in me is very simple: 

“Miracle? We don’t do miracles in FrancisChurch.  

Get rid of that host. 

It might make us look bad”. 


Hark, the Herald Angels Sing

I Saw Three Ships

O Come All Ye Faithful

Familia Christi Is Francis’ Latest Victim

A retired Bishop, Luigi Negri of Ferrara, Italy, founds a new religious order. This religious order also celebrates the Traditional Latin Mass. Two years later, the new order already counts fifteen between priests and seminarians; a rather astonishing feat that goes to show the thirst for proper Catholicism and for the Traditional Latin Mass. 

Then, Francis strikes.  

A Catholic order cannot be allowed to prosper. Its success exposes the rapid collapse of FrancisChurch and is a clear and present danger to heretics everywhere.  The order must be chased away from its church, forbidden to celebrate Mass in public, and now imposed a new Superior to Franciscommify it. 

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? 

The successor of Luigi Negri, a FrancisBishop, dared to thank Francis for the persecution of Familia Christi. The reaction of the Catholics was evidently so strong that the site of the Diocese is down.

I invite all the faithful of the wonderful city of Ferrara to deny the bishop and all his priests even one penny until Familia Christi stops being persecuted.

No, it does not matter whether the priest is good or not. Starve an enemy diocese without mercy and say why.

The arrogance of this most evil of Pope and of his minions must be met with open hostility, open insult, and open financial boycott. 

Enough with wolves leading the sheep. 


In Dulci Jubilo

Coventry Carol

Watering Down A Watered Down Statement

The Priesthood is not his place. Says the Pope. 

Pope Francis has recently stated, in one of his now largely ignored book-long sermons, that the Church has no place for homosexual priests. This is a weak statement, but it is at least a statement. 

A Pope, seen that he is, actually…. the Pope, should say more about the issue: words like “perversion”, “Satan, “sin crying to heaven for vengeance”, the actual word “sodomy”, and others of the sort would actually be expected to get out of the Papal Mouth. I have no news of any of them. Still, we have something. 

After which, the Catholic press world undermines, or ignores, even this rare outburst of Catholicism. 

“The pope said that a man with an ingrained homosexual tendency “should not be accepted into the ministry or consecrated life” since the priesthood “is not his place” ” means – astonishing as it is that Francis should say that – that the fact that prevents one from being priest is being homosexual, not being an active sodomite. 

The “c”atholic press should be interested in this, a lot. Simply for the fact that, semel in anno, Francis has said something Catholic and countercultural. 

As reported in the linked article, they don’t. Actually, even the one decrying the fact contributes to the problem, as Francis’ words clearly make homosexuality and priesthood incompatible tout court, not merely – as the well paid professional defender of Catholicism summarises it – “when they are more gay than they are priest”. Actually, Francis’ word means, both in themselves and read in light of Catholic doctrine, that no amount of “gayness” whatsoever is compatible with being priest, then
“in consecrated and priestly life, there’s no room for that kind of affection.”Francis is here explicitly talking of so-called “same sex attraction”, not merely sodomy. 

This tells me how difficult it is, for any sort of institutionalised press, Catholic or not, to actually cope with Catholicism. A Pope says what is nothing more than a Catholic obviousness, and no one dares to repeat and offer a resonance box to what he has stated; not even those who actually decry the lack of such resonance box. 

This is the state of Catholic affairs in this very sad beginning of the XXI Century. Pope undermines doctrines; on those rare occasions when he doesn’t, others do it for him; Catholic 1-2-1 has now become so radioactive, that the professional press cuts off the part that is most offensive to the world and tries to reduce it to a manageable piece of political incorrectness.  

A priest cannot be a homosexual because homosexuality is a sexual perversion obviously incompatible with the consecrated life. Sodomy is no part of this equation. A homosexual priest has as little business in being a priest than one practising sodomy. Not compatible is not compatible. There is no degree of incompatibility in this simple binary choice, there is no degree of “no” once the answer is “no” in the first place. 

Actually, let me note this: that this abstruse idea that homosexuality be in some way, shape or form compatible with a “chaste” priesthood is what brought us to this situation in the first place. Let that sink in. 

 Catholicism in wonderful, inter alia, also in this way: that it does not allow to water down any part of the doctrine without causing contradictions or damage somewhere else down the line.