Spain And the Rest Of Us

It says here that Spain will reopen the churches as limited capacity: first one third, then one half, then full.

This says to me that the situation can be,  with immediate effect, be returned to normality with the following measures: first three times the masses, then two times the masses, then… well, it would be nice to have more confession times and more masses, surely?

This is not something impossible to do. Priests don’t have to waste time with endless committees of old busybodies anymore. Surely, they can all set the time aside for one extra mass in the early morning and one extra mass after the usual morning mass? Same on Sundays? So we would have the possibility for everyone to have the same access to masses they had before, both during the week and on Sundays? What is so difficult in implementing this? Mind, all this would be done in perfect compliance with the regulations about social distancing etc; therefore, no excuse for sly politicians.. .


  1. What does Evil Clown think of this?
  2. Why does he not push for this solution everywhere?
  3. Why does he always talk of social justice, instead of giving to Christ what if of Christ?

For some reason I will not be holding my breath.

We shall see.


Posted on April 30, 2020, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Heck, if they can get a church one-third full in most places, they are doing as well as before the virus hit.

  2. Mary K Jones

    I am happy you’re not holding your breath as you await an answer re: Pope Francis’ thoughts. I’m not certain, but I feel pretty sure you would not look great with a purplish–blue face. Then if you fainted, some social worker would prop a pen in your hand for the needed Do Not Resuscitate form with its partner, the organ donor consent form. Yikes!

    So please, keep breathing.