Francis’ Torturers

Have you ever been tortured by your confessor? Me neither.

Alas, the Evil Clown disagrees. He is so worried about torturer priests that, in his clownish “intentions” for March (committed to a video, because humbleness), he prays that those who go to Confession may not find them.

Boy, he must think that the problem is quite big!

Being somewhat cynical, and persuaded that Francis is a scoundrel either willingly (if he is a Satanist, which at this point I emphatically refuse to exclude) or unwittingly (if he is, as much more likely, the garden variety of Church-hating atheist) manipulated by Satan, I think I know what it’s going on here.

In my opinion, Frankie The Pachamama Boy is very angry at those priests who refuse to hear the confession of concubines.

You will say that this is just as it should be. But you see, you think like a Catholic, Francis doesn’t! The only Catholic things he has in himself are the job and the title. For the rest, he lives in a Catholic-free space; a space where you are afraid that your confessors may be…. torturers! Oh, the cruelty!!!

Another hypothesis, albeit less likely, is that Pachamama Guy considers torturers those confessors who refuse absolution to the faithful, because they see no repentance. Why do I say this? Firstly, because Francis lives in a Catholic-free space; and secondly because, once again, he appears – from what I can read; I don’t inflict on myself a video of the guy – to fail to stress that it is exactly repentance which, via God’s Mercy, opens the gates of absolution.

In the Catholicism-free space in which Francis lives, I have noticed this often: this idea of unconditional remission of everything, because (and I quote the guy) I have sinned “and I will sin again”. In Frankie’s Circus, you don’t need to do anything you don’t want to, and God just forgives you, because Mercy. Well, if this is the rubbish he thinks, I am not surprised of the rubbish he talks.

So, another month has started, and the Evil Clown has found another way to insult proper Catholics, and his very own priests at that.

What a sad way to approach his own judgment.

Posted on March 3, 2021, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Francis is just enraged that there are priests under his authority who still espouse of the idea of sin and repentance, and not the Marxist pseudo crimes he drones on about.

  2. R. Hunter Bidet

    Omogoglio and his bunch are so plainly stupid Church haters that they even provide justification for their meaninglessness. Why a Church and priests if all religions are the same and we are all already saved? Party on!

  3. Who is even paying attention anymore? Divorce is epidemic. And has been for the past 40 years, even among Catholics. They remarry, and never look back, in general. They seemingly have no remorse to have “left the Church”. Who of them is clamoring for confession? This certainly is the case among my family and friends. I would bet most don’t even know how Amoris Laetitia invites them to Holy Communion.
    Confessors who breathe hellfire? You’ve got to be kidding me. What planet does Bergoglio live on? Like I said, who is even paying attention anymore? The Church is profoundly irrelevant to most people currently alive.

  4. When you make a confession and the penance given is along the lines of, “wash your hands and put a dollar in the poor box, if you have it,” you get the sense that you confession was hardly worth the effort.
    Those are the kind of priests who are, truly, torturers.
    The priest who tells you that you have, truly, committed a mortal sin and gives you 500 hours of community service (combining the old Cathoilicism with the new) or some such penance are the priests who will truly help us to save our soul.

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