Christianity Is Supposed To Hurt, You Dumbass.

Bishop Browne in his free time.

Bishop Ray Browne of Kerry, Ireland, has apologised for one of his priests, who is culpable of actually doing his job.

Father Sheehy, the priest in question, expressed basic Catholic truths: mortal sin unrepented leads to hell, sodomy is a mortal sin, etc. Really, basic stuff. I knew this stuff when I was in kindergarten. In kindergarten, I was man enough to accept it.

It seems this was, however, too much for some of the most obdurate inveterate sinners or perverts in the pew. They were, wait for it, “hurt”.

What does the bishop do? Apologises for his priest’s Catholicism and dares to say that Catholicism does not represent the Christian position. According to him, if some pervie is “hurt”, Catholicism needs to hide in some deep hole.

Bishop Browne is a Catholic-free space, an arrogant supporter of perverts, and an ass to boot.

Catholicism is supposed to hurt, you dumbass!

When was the last time this ass read the Gospel? If he had done so once or twice in the last fifty years, he would know that Christ hurts, shocks and admonishes an awful lot. And yes, you dumb joke, this represents the Christian position to 100%.

This bishop needs to be defrocked, stat. He is an offence to Christianity. He is a pagan priest of the cult of niceness masquerading as a shepherd. He is just the way Satan wishes a bishop to be. A toxic donkey.

Not only does he not know Catholicism, but he does not even have the humility and basic decency of trying to, at his very old age, learn the basics of it. No, it must be the basics that are wrong.

I don’t know who stinks of reprobation more here: the supposed “faithful” who dare to complain because a priest preaches the basics, or a bishop who actually completely forgets what Christianity is all about (hint for the bishop: avoiding hell, *****not***** preventing a fag from feeling “hurt”!) and actually sides with Satan, openly, profusely, unapologetically.

Boy, you read this guy and you understand how things must have been in Sodom, where, no doubt, everybody was “inclusive”…

What a cretin. What a joke. What an unspeakable ass. What a fraud.

It’s people like him who cause lukewarm faithful to lose the faith. It’s people like him who make people stay away from the One True Faith. This guy needs to repent, or he will spend eternity in some very, very dark hole, together with all the people he did not want to be “hurt”.




Servant of Satan.

Posted on November 2, 2022, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Dissent, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Why don’t you tell us what you really think, Mundabor! Unfortunately he has lost of company. Not many are willing to walk in the footsteps to Calvary these days. They’d rather dance around the golden calf at the base of Mount Sinai.