Daily Archives: November 22, 2022

Suicidal Madness

Ukrainian version below

A good example of the utter rubbish going on in Western media is here.

This stupid woman is, most emphatically, no Joan of Arc. Firstly, Joan of Arc was a saint, and this one here is a suicidal cretin scratching her itch and, most likely, a latent lesbian. Secondly, Joan of Arc had no children.

What is appalling here is not only the extreme form of egotism of joining the army with a toddler in tow ( and note here that every mention of a husband, if any, is accurately avoided: is the new Joan of Arc, by any chance, a single mother? Or is she disobeying to her husband? What does hubby think of the madwoman he has married?) It is the fact that this behaviour is presented as a Christian virtue, including the shockingly hypocritical FrancisAppeal when you praise a young mother who is going to die for a bunch of Nazis.

I don’t know what is wrong with these people at Aleteia, but boy, the brainwashing has gone very far (and a fine brain was likely not there in the first place) when one has to read something like that in a so-called “c”atholic magazine, proving once again that it is only a waste of precious resources stolen to the toilet paper industry.

Now, one of two things will happen here: either this woman is just for show and she will accurately be kept away from the line of fire, or she will be sent to an almost certain slaughter, like the rest of the artillery men in the Ukrainian Army. Also, Aleteia does not seem to reflect that – unless this is merely a publicity stunt – the appointment of a woman with mere 6 years of service to commander of an artillery battery clearly points out to very high casualties among her peers; which, publicity stunt or not, is exactly what we all know is happening.

This is an artillery-dominated conflict, where drones and satellite communicate with great precision the position of enemy artillery positions, and where Russia has a clear air superiority and a huge artillery superiority. Do the math. The only more dangerous place to be than near a Ukrainian piece of artillery is, most likely, inside a Ukrainian tank. Compared to wannabe Joan, the not-so-holy unnatural mother, even a Ukrainian infantryman lives in security, and I can assure you his security is very, very precarious.

Then there are the lies. The article linked to by Aleteia states that the woman entered the army with a 1 year old boy at home (again, father is nowhere to be found). Her family forbade her to do something so stupid when she was young, but they are suddenly proud of her now that she has a seven years old son. This unmitigated piece of propaganda excrement is then basically copied over and uncritically fed to its readership by, of all things, a supposed catholic magazine. This is how low presstitutes can stoop nowadays.

Shame on you, Aleteia.

Shame on you, unnatural mother.

This is really beyond the pale.