Reaping What They Sow: Colorado Fag-On-Fag Violence Explained

Five more of those to Colorado, please….

And it came to pass that there was one of those fag-on-fag episodes of violence where one of that parish shoots several people of the same parish (the parish is, of course, the one of Sodom).

You would expect, the times being what they are, that the secular, utterly godless press pretends not to know that the violence happened in a den of iniquity, where people with all sorts of issues, sexual and not, congregate. They will sprinkle their article with the word “gay”, trying to look as liberal as they can.

But what really makes me angry is when bishops of the church express their sadness, solidarity, pain, condolences and other (worldly) shows of support, and can’t say a word about the said den of iniquity, leading to a very sad end for some among the sad life lived by all and the eternity in hell which, bar repentance, is their own final destination.

Dear bishops, please realise this: when some violent fag kills other people like him, your job is to point out what the consequences of sin are, not to beautify those sad individuals, and completely ignore their filthy existence, as if what they were had no relation to what happened to them.

The job of a bishop should be to say to his sheep: “see? These people live a totally debauched existence. Their souls have been perverted by Satan to the point that their perversion has become quite existential, depraved to a self-deluded born-that-way level. Satan wants to secure as many of those souls as fast as he can. Suicides, psychosomatic diseases, derangements of all sorts and that most typical of events, fag-on-fag violence, is the unavoidable consequence of it. And now, five more souls are most likely in hell, which Satan could rapidly secure for himself ***exactly*** because of the filthy life they chose to live”.

Sin begets death. Violence is a typical characteristic of inter-fag relationship, because, as we have seen now several times, those people hate each other, even to the point of mass murder.

You would expect a catholic bishop would find some catholic words when such things happen. But no: it has to be the usual, worldly, utterly secular whining, perhaps accompanied by some anti-gun rant to please the stupid. The simple fact that it was exactly the degeneracy that led to the deaths cannot be said.

And so, once again we have a beautiful example of what these people, who dare to call us “homophobic”, do to themselves.

They are the true homophobes. They hate each other with a passion. They hate themselves with just the same destructive energy. They carry in their heart all the misery, the hate, the violence, the filth they have allowed Satan to instil in them. They are not the victims, they are the culprits. They are their own butchers.

A pig who gets murdered does not become a lamb. It becomes a dead pig. A pervert’s violent death does not improve his character, does not give him any virtue, does not make him worthy of praise, does not give him any redeeming quality. In fact, his violent death has, most likely, fixed him forever in the iniquity he had chosen to embrace.

That means, most likely, roast pig in hell, for all eternity, and I am sure the roast pig has a toxic taste, too.

But hey, don’t let the faithful reflect on this.

It will be considered unkind.

Posted on November 23, 2022, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. CNN reported that he was calling himself “non-binary”. He’s a wackadoodle. He a fag wackadoodle. Are we surprised?

  2. The book The Rite Of Sodomy, makes it very clear that the sodomite subculture is a violent one. The author, Randy Engels, points out the most violent murders are committed by these people. And contrary to the established myth about us straights oppressing them, most murder and other violent acts against the homo’s are committed by other homo’s. That makes sense, because any cop can tell you that most murder victims are killed by someone they know.

  3. Of course they will defend their own kind.  Religion doesn’t even enter into it.  Their religion is political correctness and it is practiced by virtue signaling.

  4. Brilliant, Mundabor. A providential time for bishops to encourage their flocks to stay in the state of grace. But has any bishop ever after any mass killing done that? I can’t think of one.

  5. Well said. Violence has been documented as a key hallmark of this behavior. God bless~

  6. Nearly all domestic violence cases I have seen have involved people living in sin; but the most over-the-top, ludicrously savage cases I have seen have involved same-sex couples.

    By the way, it is only within the last 15 years or so that same-sex couples could be charged with domestic violence, which carries penalties more severe than ordinary crimes of violence. There was no outcry amongst that set when the laws were changed. Apparently the legal legitimization of such arrangements was more important. Imagine being so absurdly perverse that, instead of rejoicing in being immune to a higher level of criminal liability, you can’t rest easy in your mind until you LOSE that immunity.