Meet “Il Cretino Gloriosamente Regnante”.

Meet “Il Cretino gloriosamente regnante”, the gloriously reigning cretin.

It appears that everybody, literally left, right and centre, hates Francis. Why? Because he is a hateful guy, of course.

Petty, vindictive, childish, astonishingly ignorant, lying without shame (“soon, soon!”), and arrogant to the point of comedy, Francis manages to alienate even the Regressives within the Vatican. He has, obviously, brought all this to himself, because I do not know any other public figure enjoying it so much when he angers other people. It’s not only the boorishness, which is very marked in the man. It’s the special arrogance of doing whatever he knows will incense people merely to make a point, that is: to show that he can.

The linked article also points out to an aspect I had never reflected about: even the Regressive priests are angered at Francis’ constant insulting and berating of priests.

Then there are the bishops and cardinals, who have to watch the same total lack of decency, manners, and respect for common sense.

This all makes sense, of course. If you have followed Frankie for a while, you know all that is reported in the linked blog post can only make absolute sense. But I would like to add an additional point.

The Cardinals who have elected Bergoglio deserve all the manure that is now lavished on them. The Bishops who see incompetence promoted have, for too long, shut up when Francis was being incompetent to the point of being a danger for souls. The Regressive priests are getting a well-deserved prescription of the medicine they themselves spread around.

What goes around, comes around. You can’t betray your mission as priest, bishop, or Cardinal, and hope that the problem will not come back to bite you. It is, in fact, amusing and not a little consoling that those who have chosen to be part of the problem now discover that they, themselves, have a problem.

The moral is this: the push for a good, Catholic Pope must come from the very bottom, from the parishes, from the pews, and go up the hierarchy until things change.

You will not get to be all V II without getting a taste of your own medicine.

Posted on March 3, 2023, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Mercedes Pernice

    The hardened agenda-driven UN loving left are grateful to Francis for his dissent from traditional Catholic teaching. It casts a pall over the immutability of Catholic doctrine. What could be more damaging to the Church and boost to those who seek to refashion God in man’s sinful image? They even have a name for it: “charity”, the practice of calling manifest sin a virtue. This is the legacy of Francis and his minions.

    The key to executing his diabolical plan is cooperation from heretical bishops and silence and inaction from the rest. Imagine, the one true Church, founded by Christ Himself, hitching it’s wagons to the secular agenda of the evil United Nations. It is truly sick and getting sicker.

  2. grassrootgonzo

    Bergoglio is an excellent “pope” for the V2 Nuchurch. His Evilness is only a problem if you believe he is actually Catholic. And he is not.