KKK vs Chelsea Whatever-her-name-is.

Gotta love the refreshing frankness of Paul Joseph Watson. He is a tad harsh but, as you know from this blog, harshness is what we need these days. I suggest you watch the video and, come to that, subscribe to the channel.

I would like to add to what PJW said something more germane to the aim of this blog. I am persuaded that being a Trad Wife is not only a better deal for a woman than being just another female hamster wheeling a pathetic version of the already pathetic sex and the city show. I am persuaded that a family-oriented role correspond to the deeper aspiration of most women and is, therefore, very satisfying and life-fulfilling, irrespective of the work involved.

A mother of numerous children having to care for the entire household will not have a very relaxing life. Already the worries for her offspring should make the vapid life of the Chelsea-what’s-her-name of the video look rather stressful. But the mother will have a deeply fulfilling life, perfectly in tune with her natural aspirations, perfectly in line with how she is wired. The same can be said of the countless unmarried or childless aunts who, in former decades, contributed to the enlarged families where they lived. A life lived in according to the aspirations and instincts God gave us may not be a relaxed life, but it will be a fulfilled one.

In addition to this, I would like to point out not only to the emptiness, but to the utter vulgarity of that Chelsea woman, now clearly on her way to become the next disgusting example of very badly aged drake, Madonna-style (the singer, of course).

All this tells you how deeply unnatural it is to try to behave and feel like a man, when you just aren’t one. This mad desire to be like a man is, first and foremost, unfeminine, and everybody (particularly women) notice it. This is why these women are, very obviously, trying to persuade themselves and broadcast urbi et orbi that things are fine in their life: they know they aren’t.

Lastly, I would dare to think that what goes on in the mind of these unfortunate beings is much, much worse than they let appear in the video. How many of them are, now that their eggs have gone, tormented by the baby, or babies, they have killed in their womb and will now never raise is difficult to say. God will not be mocked, and he will bless these women with abundant, if very painful, teaching moments. The explosion of suicides of old women, a phenomenon practically unknown in the past, is another tragic indicator of how things have gone wrong.

So: these SINKS have failed at being real women, and they have utterly failed at being imitations of men. They have failed at everything. It’s no surprise there is so much alcohol going on.

The younger women, with all their shortcoming, are attentively observing their mothers and aunts, and their female friends, and have decided that whatever achievements their mothers and aunts are bragging about, isn’t really worth much.

Now, same as two hundred years ago, Kirche, Kueche und Kinder (church, kitchen and children) remains the deep aspiration of your average woman, and thank God for that.

Posted on March 27, 2023, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. She reminds me of that pathetic Gloria Steinem, now in her eighties and close to death, still running around justifying her abortion(s).
    “Yes, Gloria, we heard you the first 100 times”. “Now, just go away”.

    • R. Hunter Bidet

      Another one. Gloria Steinem, promoter of evil and degeneration, checked, member of the tribe, checked.

  2. R. Hunter Bidet

    Chelsea is a member of the anti-Christian tribe that killed Our Lord so she hates all that is true, good and beautiful, like a nice traditional family. Just like her fellow tribeswoman Sarah Silverman, another childless Christ-hater in her fifties!

  3. Ugh, that Chelsea person is a role model for no one. A total sk@nk and a self-admitted drunk. Overall, I think the majority of women are most fulfilled by being wives and mothers (then grandmas if they’re lucky!) On the other hand, it’s their prerogative to stay single but that comes with the responsibility, for Christians anyway, to lead chaste and sober lives. (Btw, is there a corresponding acronym for fellas who choose not to become husbands and fathers? Just wond’rin’ 😃)