Babies’ Dreams

The change he wanted was not exactly Obama's.

If you are the conservative oriented chap, it is always fun to observe the left's highjacking of people of the past who would, today, very probably not support them.

Take Martin Luther King, the determined civil rights activist and, strangely enough, Protestant pastor. Whilst MLK's record as a minister (small m) would not stand the most lenient moral standards of today (unless he were homosexual, that is; in which case a “progressive” Presbyterian community would be certainly found for him), it is fair to say he believed in God and in the sanctity of human life.

King was killed before Roe vs Wade, but there can be no doubt he was what we today call “pro life”. I am not even sure the expression existed in those times, and I actually am inclined to think the word was born only after it became necessary to find a way to express the bleeping obvious: that to kill a baby in the womb is murder.

It is, therefore, very apt one of MLK' daughters reminded us, during the celebrations for her father, that MLK was – obviously, I hasten to add – against abortion. I can't imagine the day he died there were many who would call themselves both Christians and “pro-choice”.

Even better is that his descendants hasten to make this point heard, with one of his daughters (apparently “Bernice”, perhaps “Berenice”?) making clear that life begins in the womb, and a niece of him, Alveda, making clear Obama's stance in favour of the genocide of – disproportionately blacks, by the by – babies in the womb is the reason why she would not vote for the Gay President.

I doubt the pro-life stance of MLK got a vast echo in the liberal media during the celebrations; but from the other side of the Pond one notices once again how healthily the pro-life movement is growing. Here in Europe we are very far from either the level of debate or the aggressive legislative measures of many parts of the United States. May they grow stronger in the years to come.

It's a long-term project. The process of de-nazification of a nation can only be carried out by caring for the new generations to grow up denazified; not many of those so horribly brainwashed during the last fifty years will change, at least consciously, their mind during their lifetime. Our best bet is in those, well, not aborted this year, rather than in those who have, well, aborted yesteryear.

You can have dreams only if you were born in the first place. If you are murdered in the womb, the only “change” you'll ever experience is atrocious suffering, following by your death.

“I have a dream”, would the baby in the womb say; “that I am not murdered before seeing the light”.

It's too bad for him that hope and change are in power.



Posted on August 31, 2013, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Mund, MLK was a flaming socialist. He was not pro-life. He received an award from Planned Parenthood several years before his death. He was not non-violent. Riots always happened in nearly every city his ‘non-violent’ protests took place. His closet associates in his ‘civil rights’ movement were communists. There were so many of them in his organization that the Kennedy Bros. told him to get rid of them. He was also a man of extremely loose sexual morals. Finally, concerning the Christian faith, he was a total infidel. His family and some other folks may parade him around as a saint, but that ‘saintliness’ is all show and no substance. It’s hypocrisy on a grand scale for the sake of big bucks for the King family, and providing an icon for the radical leftist civil rights movement in America.

    • Thanks Stephen ,
      All you write about the sexual morals & Co. of MLK is amply referenced in my own text. As to his not being “pro life”, perhaps some more exact sources should be necessary before his daughter and myself stand corrected.


  2. Stephen’s being a Pelagian, M!