Slovakia Joins The League Of Thinking Countries

Slovakia has now decided to enshrine the only possible understanding of Marriage in their Constitution, following a broad agreement in Parliament.

When the measure is voted, it will mark another addition to those Countries refusing to give up to the pressure from UN and EU, and deciding than a bunch of perverts and their minions will not be allowed to “teach” them what is right or wrong.

I read the news in the same day in which Francis-The-Black-Shod received “punished with a baby”- Obama Bin Muslim, the worst enemy of Christianity the United States ever had.

The main issue of the talk will be, of course, social inequalities.

I see some magazine covers coming.

Congratulations to the people of Slovakia and their representatives for their Christian stance in front of bribery and/or bullying.

Another reason why the EU must die.


Posted on March 27, 2014, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. Why no defense from Bishop Fredrick Campbell or other Catholic clerics in Columbus, Ohio?

    ‘Jesus Is Muslim’ Billboards Draw Protest in Columbus

    Contact: Coach Dave Daubemire, 740-507-3211,

    COLUMBUS, March 27, 2014 /Christian Newswire/ — Billboards reading “Jesus is Muslim,” “Mohammed is in the bible,” and “Muslims love Jesus too” are currently dotting the landscape in central Ohio. The messages, paid for by, have prompted Coach Dave Daubenmire of Pass the Salt Ministries to organize a “Jesus Is Lord” prayer vigil/rally this Saturday morning.

    Watch the video of the billboard HERE.

    “Jesus Is Lord” Prayer Vigil

    Who: Coach Dave Daubenmire, Rev. Rusty Thomas of Operation Save America, Pastor Bill Dunfee of New Beginnings Church in Warsaw, OH and other Christians.

    What: Speaking, prayer, sign holding

    Where: 6221 Cleveland Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43231 (just south of the Cleveland-Schrock/I-270 intersection behind the McDonalds).

    When: Saturday, March 29, 2014 at 10:00AM – 12:00PM

    “Although we support the Islamic community’s right to free speech, as well as their right to post messages on billboards, we do not support the hi-jacking of the name of Jesus Christ in their attempt to lure uninformed Christians into their religion,” Coach Dave Daubenmire said.

    Daubenmire continued, “Jesus Christ was crucified, died, and resurrected over 600 years before the birth of Mohammed. Although Islam honors Jesus as a prophet, they do not believe that He is the risen Son of God. During this most Holy Lenten Season we find the messages on the billboards to be insensitive, dishonest and deserving of a response from concerned Christians. We will be on the streets to proclaim Jesus is NOT Muslim but Jesus is Lord!!”

  2. Another reason why the EU must die.

    And modernist America with them. We were founded by men who had a hatred for Catholicism….no wonder the wheels are falling off 240 years later.

    • Pope Sixtus VIth

      “We were founded by men who had a hatred for Catholicism”

      This is trad mythology. The Founders were largely tepid Protestants or Deists, they did not hate Catholicism.

  3. I know well enough most of former communist Eastern Europe countries .I began to travel there when I was just thirteen , in 1972 , and lived for some time in Soviet Union.There are not so many Christians as one could think ( with the exception of Poland ) ,indifferentism and atheism are widespread, many politicians want part of the cake of European Union and eat it too at all cost , but the average people have a lot of common sense , and have an excellent and enviable nose for lies ,tricks, thirst of easy money , falsehood , and don’t like all the idiocy and madness coming , and being imposed , from the ‘ developed’ countries. The majority still know the meaning of good and evil , and are refractory to evil, especially if it is imposed under the guise of good from abroad. There are of course some bad apples here and there petty thieves , common criminals , very heavy drinkers , but moral depravation as a social cancer is virtually unknown. Abortion ,especially in Russia , is a scourge , but is caused more by ignorance ,abject poverty and loss of values than a lack of them originated by certain philosophies and ‘lifestyles’ sold and pushed as ‘modernity’. Russia, Croatia, Slovakia have build a seemingly strong stonewall against immorality ( and Croatians received a ‘ Francis-like ‘ reproach by their bribed politicians because of their vote ) : let’s hope -and pray – that this trend will go on , although we can be sure Brussels will try to make them pay very dearly.

  4. I’m sure that the EU will get around to imposing some kind of sanction to teach them the err of their ways.

  5. It’s wonderful to see a country resist the unrelenting pressure that has become the norm.

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