Another Royal Clump Of Cells Is On Its Way

The Duchess of Cambridge has been diagnosed with another clump of cells.

It is thought the clump will not be removed, albeit it is making the Duchess sick rather often.

If the removal of the clump does not take place, it is widely believed this clump of cells will gradually grow inside the host. At some point next Spring, the clump of cells will expel itself from the host. The process generally goes under the popular name of “birth”. After the self-expulsion, the clump of cells will, if its heart beats, legally become a human being and be entitled to various rights; like, for example, the one not to be thrown in the bin with other clumps of cells, who were removed from the host in order the prevent the self-expulsion process from taking place. . 


Now, let us see if this is the way the generally oh so liberal BBC looks at it. Let me look…

yes… it’s here…

hhhmmm…what is this?

it appear they have a rather different approach!

“Royal Baby”.

“Expecting a second child”

“Yet unborn girl or boy”

Look, it appears even the satanic buggers at the Buggers Broadcasting Communism get it: a baby in the womb is… a baby. Entitled to be considered a human being, a human life, one of us, even if not yet born. He is, already, a child. He is, in fact, an “unborn girl or boy”.

Is it so difficult, you satanic buggers? What is in this that needs an effort of understanding? 

It’s a baby. It’s a baby. It’s a baby. You say it yourselves, several times. You find it utterly natural to say so, exactly as everyone else. You employ the same language of common sense that has always been used, and corresponds to a most obvious reality.

Why, then, do you forget this obvious reality when the victim of your abominable thinking is not the baby of a Duchess, but a poor baby in the womb of an unknown young woman? Why the first is considered, to all intents and purposes, a human being, and the other not?

It’s because you are satanic buggers.

That’s why.



Posted on September 9, 2014, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Between now and then it is, of course, a parasite. Unless it’s “wanted”.