Daily Archives: September 29, 2014

Paraguay: No Personal Misconduct Involved

Persecution is Mercy.

Several articles have appeared in the last days about the persecution of Bishop Livieres.

The Bishop has,thankfully, reacted. His website has published a rebuttal of the accusation in various languages, so complete and extensive it is not suited for a blog post.

Bishop Livieres has also made very clear the accusations moved against him are purely ideological. And it is difficult not to agree with him, considering that it is now clear that no personal misconduct is involved. Methinks, after the experiences with Father Manelli some of Francis' executioners has thought better to choose a different path this time. The problem with that is that the character assassination becomes far more difficult.

What is, then, Bishop Livieres accused of?

He is accused of being Catholic.

In Francis' Stalinian world, if you uphold Catholic values you are a threat to the unity of circus Bergoglio. If your seminary has more Seminarians than the rest of Paraguay together, you are clearly sowing discord. If your very behaviour and success shows that your colleagues are a bunch of incompetent morons without faith or dignity you are certainly showing you can't get along with them.

Bishop Livieres does not fit within the nuChurch of Mercy. He is Catholic, which is an accusation that it not easy to move to Francis.

Bishop Livieres, an Argentinian like TMAHICH, will therefore have to leave the head of his diocese. He reminds me strongly of Athanasius, in the same way as Francis would let Liberius look like an amateur in comparison to him.

Angelqueen has a petition in favour of the good Bishop: web search them “vote to support the good bishop Livieres” and you will find.

The petition will not save his post, of course. But it will do something for the salvation of those who subscribe.

As to Francis, the Bishop said it very well: he will have to answer to heaven for his decision.

I am pretty sure TMAHICH thinks he will never have to answer to anyone.

But he will. Oh, but he will.



Lessons From Hong Kong

Thousands of brave Chinese are, as I write this, standing up against the Chinese Communist Party rule in China; a rule which, if edulcorated over there compared to the praxis of the mainland, is still too much of an oppression, and so bad that very many put their future, perhaps their lives, at risk to change the way things work.

I see them as the media outlets let the images of their courage go around the world.

And I wonder how many Cardinals are having the courage to take a stance that would require a small part of that nerve; a courage which would not put them at loss of losing life or limb, or liberty; though the loss of power and privileges would be very probable, at least for the time being.

We can make some parallels between the two situations, because every sound Cardinal must, if he looks at the man in the mirror, know that Francis is doing more damage to the Church that any Communist dictatorship ever could. It is a foolish idea to eradicate Catholicism through political oppression. It is far more damaging – though in the end equally foolish – to try to let Her wither from the inside.

I hope many sound Cardinals will look at the images in the next days, and draw the same parallels.

A rather stupid, but very cunning, Che Guevara is running the Church.

It's time for the Cardinals to stage their own Hong Kong reaction.


Bishop Conry Absolves Himself

MoS2 Template Master

The “good” bishop is here photographed in full regalia with, apparently, his second mistress.


Bishop Conry has given an interview to a semi-porn rag for gossiping housewives called “Daily Mail”. Visit the site at your peril.

The interview allows us to give a long, hard look at your typical “spirit of V II” priest.

Caution: strong smell of brimstone.

First, the photo; reproduced above, and obviously published with his and his mistress consent, or acceptance: a priest and his mistress walk about. He is in plain clothes, though he is obviously still a priest; she wears a cross and what the wife of an Anglican bishop would consider a not entirely appropriate skirt; but hey, this is one who sleeps with bishops, so appropriateness isn’t really a concern.

They are, apparently, carrying groceries. You couldn’t make this up. 

Then, the text (I do not have the stomach to watch at the video):

“It has been difficult keeping the secret,’ he told the Mail. ‘In some respects I feel very calm. It is liberating. It is a relief. I have been very careful not to make sexual morality a priority [in his sermons]. I don’t think it got in the way of my job, I don’t think people would say I have been a bad bishop. But I can’t defend myself. I did wrong. Full stop.’ ”

He is so centred on his feelings. “I feel calm now. Thank God the cat is out of the sack. It has been difficult, you know”.
What a relief. What a liberation. 
Repentance? Nope.
Leaving the (last) woman? No trace.
Hey, there is even clear evidence of a second tryst. Go get ’em, boy..
What follows, is a series of bombs. 
“I have been very careful not to make sexual morality a priority [in his sermons].”
First bomb. He is fine because, not following rules of Christian behaviour, he did not ask others to do the same.
“I don’t think it got in the way of my job”
Second bomb. This man has never heard of Holy Orders. To him, being a bishop is a social work job.
Bishop has a mistress (and a married one, to boot; not a young sluttish thing who wanted a forbidden fruit). Bishop walks every day on his vows and a marriage. But hey, he doesn’t think it gets in the way of his job.
“I don’t think people would say I have been a bad bishop”.
Third bomb. What he did to his office does not make of him a bad bishop. Polls do. I think if polled, his sheep would say he has not been a bad bishop . All fine, then, this means he wasn’t.
At the end of this, the bishop says “but I can’t defend myself”.
Read it again: after defending himself for all the wrong reasons, he says he can’t defend himself. A true son of Vatican II.
The article is a bit confused. It is difficult to say whether the first mistress let the device explode because Conry now sleeps with the second, or the second (a mother of two; I pity the children) has him so much in her thrall she has decided the affair had to be made public, as private letters signed from him would indicate; or if the husband of the second mistress (a poor pathetic horned man, and pathetic wimp) did so in the hope of extracting some hush money from the Church. This is, in fact, the only fuuny angle of this sad story: horned wimp is the husband, but he thinks the Church hierarchy should have warned him. because what does he know where his wife sleeps and what she does, he is only the husband.
I hope the horned wimp does not get at the money of Catholics in this way. It would be another scandal.
Coming back to Bishop Casanova of Arundel & Brighton, what we clearly see is a man who has no qualm whatsoever in continuing his tryst, does not give a damn for what anyone thinks, pays some lip service just for the sake of British rules of behaviour, and has no clue whatsoever of why he ever was a priest, and a bishop, rather than work for Amnesty International.
This is also the arrogance of a man very sure of his connections, and obviously having many ways open in front of him: journalism, social work, (cough) the “Tablet”, positions in the vast world of government-fed charity world. Things like that. This is one who reminds one of Father Corapi after the fall; but he is even worse, because Corapi wasn’t a bishop.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is V II as it walks, gives interviews, buys groceries, and does other things with other people’s wives (however stupid the husbands) that are better not mentioned.
Then there is the detail of no sex with the other mistress, apparently. or perhaps it was a third. Not entirely clear. Seriously, one is reminded of Bill Clinton.    
I have just written, in another blog post concerning the same man, about the workings of the mind of the priest unfaithful to his vows:
“Popularity, approval, the trust of the sheep will give him security and, he hopes, perhaps some kind of protection. But certainly, there is the internal absolution. “I may not be the best priest or bishop, but look how I fight for social justice!”, or the like. At this point, the mistress or the whiskey, the gambling or the call boys, become a secondary fault, a kind of venial sin compared to the Great Work Of (put here his favourite cause).”
This was before I read this latest interviews.
But actually, it would seem like the bish has read my blog post, and has decided to give the interview to make my point.
Pray for the bishop. He does seem beyond prayer, but actually no one ever is. The whoring mother will probably dump him one day, for another forbidden fruit.
A fornicating and adulterous bishop, sleeping with other people’s wives, and saying to the world what a fine chap he is.
He might, at some point, wake up.  Woe to him if he doesn’t.



Late Abortion And The Hypocrisy Of Abortion Clinics

Vintage Mundabor

Mundabor's Blog

From the Blog The Divine Life, an interesting post about that tragic word, “late-term abortion”.

Besides being very instructive about the scale of ruthlessness the “liberated” Western society has brought on us, it makes clear the intrinsic hypocrisy of the entire so-called “pro-choice” edifice.

An abortion is either a murder, or it isn’t. If it isn’t, there should be no reason whatsoever why those who don’t consider abortion killing shouldn’t practice it any time before birth or – come to that and with the same thinking – actually during birth too. If it is, then it shouldn’t be practiced and it should be banned altogether, period.

This idea that an abortion would be morally acceptable for, say, 20 weeks but would then become morally questionable starting from day X is a logical and ethical absurdity. Also hypocritical is the behaviour of those institutions which practice abortions only in certain…

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The New Model Homo Army Introduces Itself

Vintage Mundabor Reblog

Mundabor's Blog

Absolutely beautiful contribution from Tim Drake for the National Catholic Register.

The points of interest and comparisons are too many to mention here. The sources are numerous, authoritative and – most importantly – intelligent. The parallel between the priesthood and the army is not only very reasonable, but it is beautiful in its own right.

Mr. Drake is very alarmed for the future of the US Army. He rightly points out to the fact that whilst the Church is indefectible, the US Army isn’t. He is spot on.

In my eyes, a very notable point is that the astonishing technological superiority of the West and the absence of wars from our own soil for such a long time have created such a complacency that the army has become just another field for liberal and pervert propaganda instead of being seen as an instrument meant to guarantee one’s own (and…

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