All The Rest Will Come By Itself

No, it's not in Rome...

No, it’s not in Rome…


I stumbled upon this video about St John Cantius in Chicago. There are so many useful lessons in the short time frame of this video.

 First came the NO in Latin. That was in itself enough to start filling up this very big church again, merely by word of mouth. Then came the Tridentine. Then came the vocations. It truly all starts with the liturgy, and when the liturgy starts to decay, then truly everything starts to decay.

They reminded me of the Oratorians in London, but the latter never celebrate ad populum (they only have altars ad orientem), whilst here it seems the NO is celebrated ad  populum.

The liturgy truly is the key, and wherever I turn I find confirmation of this. Lex Orandi, lex Credendi, Lex Vivendi.

As you are there, you may do worse than to click around this absolutely exemplary internet presence. It is a treasure trove of such unashamedly orthodox Catholicism, that one must almost weep thinking of all the parish internet sites looking like Presbyterian “inclusive community” web outlets.

And as I was there, I also gave a look at the Tridentine presence in the region, with the help of the usual Wikkimissa. Boy, it looks like an oasis of sanity in the middle of Obamaland. 

My humble congratulations to the brave priests of this very beautiful church; and my congratulations to all those among my thirteen readers (and three cats) who may live in that area. 

In the end, the reversal started in earnest with a reverent Novus Ordo, in Latin. 

Imagine the possibilities. 

When the Nincompoop In Charge dies or – which appears improbable – repents, the Church in the West can be fully revitalised in a matter of a decade or two.

The Mass is the Catholic Endwaffe, the ultimate weaponThe Church must simply wake up and re-learn to use the weapon at its disposal properly. All the rest wil come from itself. 



Posted on November 2, 2014, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. M, I’m just concerned the new Archbishop of Chicago may turn his gaze to this wonderful community and make then more “inclusive”.

  2. Mundabor there is a terrible knews, Pope Francis is going to visit Cardenal Ranjith,
    When he will see that every thin is absolutely catholic there, probably Cardenal Ranjith is going to finish in the north pole in one Iglu. What for is hi going there for, otherwise…….
    we have to pray for the Cardenal

  3. I’m waiting to see what the new guy, Cupich, tries to do to St. John Cantius. They may be a Religious Institute but they’re under diocesan rule also. Not sure how that works but I remember years ago, the pastor, Fr. Phillips, said that he couldn’t eliminate one or both of the Sunday Novus Ordo Masses even if he wanted to because Cardinal George wouldn’t allow it, or words to that effect.

    This is my parish, or was, back when I could get to it. St. John Cantius Church is stunningly beautiful. Breathtaking, really. And Cantius Masses are indeed beautiful and reverent, even the Novus Ordo Masses. But frankly, pride of place seems to be given to the Novus Ordo in Latin. It’s better than any N.O. parish in Chicago by far, but for a truly traditional parish with no taint of Modernism, no polyester pant-suited older men and women talking out loud in the Church, no women wearing mini skirts and tank tops….you have to go to Our Lady Immaculate in nearby Oak Park, the SSPX chapel. Small but beautiful, and traditional Catholicism through and through.

    Still, I’m thankful for St. John Cantius. They no doubt are introducing plenty of Catholics who were not interested at all in tradition, to tradition.

  4. Father Philips has done a spectacular job at St. John Cantius.

    The worst part about SJC is that it is down the street (Chicago Ave) approximately 1 mile from Holy Name Cathedral, were we have a new nutter .. ahem Bernardin who likes to lock the Faithful out of church during Holy Week. Can’t wait to see the chemistry there.

    And yes, the “graduality” worked properly. Fr. Phillips started with a Latin N.O. ad populum. But the big draw is the `12:30 Immemorial Mass of All Ages (High Mass).

    And no matter what anyone thinks of Cardinal George, without him SJC restoration would not be possible.

  5. Mundabor. Seriously, Thank you so much for your posts. You bless us every day.

    I don’t mind if you delete this comment, but please take a look at the C. Kasper Tweet page.

    They aren’t really his comments on there are they?

    .Surely it can’t be.

  6. M,

    Our family has attended St. Cantius Catholic Church in Chicago many many times over the years as our oldest and now our youngest sons have resided walking distance from this beautiful Church. I have had the opportunity to meet and talk with the pastor, Father Phillips. I thanked him and told him how much his efforts and this safe harbor for our Catholic faith is appreciated. Before, during and after Mass the confessions being heard by several priests are continuous. I have never been to Mass here when I saw less than twelve priests, brothers and/or seminarians in the Church. This is like a mini monastery and is truly a blessing for all that experience the worship and reverence due our Lord.


    George Brenner