Buon Compleanno, Padre Manelli!

Clealrly, the Blessed Virgin has Father Manelli's back..

Clearly, the Blessed Virgin has Father Manelli’s back..


Today is, I am informed, the birthday of Father Stefano Manelli, co-founder, moral leader and undisputed hero of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate.

My and, I am sure, our best wishes to him.

May the Lord reward him for his beautiful work, and crush – bar an always welcome repentance –  those who trample his work and Catholic Truth. 


Posted on May 1, 2014, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 12 Comments.

  1. I join in the “Compleanno” greatings!

    With all my best wishes from France, hoping Padre keeps his health and strengh, physically, morally, and spiritually.

    Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat!

  2. Not only Father Manelli’s personal story is a story of a man who does have heroic virtues . Both his parents are on the road to beatification. They had 21 ( TWENTYONE – no joke ) children. A living testimony that a catholic couple can live without contraception , and be happy ! No fewer than six children became priests ,friars and nuns. By the way , this was at least until the eighties no rarity in Italy . Some families ,especially in the South and Veneto ,
    had twenty children , and this fact was considered a blessing , not ‘ruining one’s life ‘. With the exception ,of course , of that woman ( personified by Sofia Loren in a De Sica’s movie ) who got pregnant each time she had to go to jail….

  3. Happy Birthday Father! May Our Lord continue to bless you abundantly and support you in glorifying Him! ((hug)) God bless~

  4. Amen! Ad multos annos, Father.

  5. I’m privileged to share the same birthday. Had I the commitment to Christ, personal holiness and steadfastness in the Faith as Fr. Manelli I would be a better Catholic than I am. I pray to Our Lady that she strike the chains of Fr. Manelli and his fellow friars.
    That one of the first acts of a pope, choosing the name Francis to send out a very speciffic message, should be to suppress the FFI with such speed is beyond irony. I forbear to say wicked. What I think is another matter. I wish Fr. Manelli many more birthdays to serve the Lord free from intimidation and confinement

  6. donnaliane72

    I wish Fr. Stefani every spiritual blessing from Our Lord on this-his day of birth. We celebrate who you are and what you do, for the sake of Jesus and His fold. Pray for me when you are martyred! Although I think you can say that has already happened (spiritually)!

  7. The film I was referring to is a 1963 colour film ,’ Ieri , oggi e domani ‘ shot by De Sica in three episodes , each of them set in a different city – Milano , Roma and Napoli – but with the same main actors , Sophia ( not Sofia , my fault ) Loren and Marcello Mastroianni , probably at the top of heir careers – 1963 is the year of ‘ Otto e mezzo ‘ as well. The episode set in Napoli was originally a true story , but rewritten or recreated by the famous Eduardo De Filippo , part of the life of an illegal woman-seller of sigarettes ( if I remember well ) in the heart of Napoli , who had been sentenced many times to jail but who ‘decided ‘ to postpone the months in jail by getting pregnant again and again . The episode , whose title is ‘ Adelina’ comes to the end when Adelina goes to the jail together with one of her sons .

  8. Mundabor – I think the film title was ‘Ieri, Oggi, Domani’ – the first episode, ‘Adelina a Napoli’ is the story referred to above.

    At the Commemoration of the Living at Mass later on today I shall pray for the FFI.